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Whispering Pines Hideaway would like to reach out to youngsters between the ages of 12 and 17 from single parent households

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Greetings from Whispering Pines Hideaway

Whispering Pines Hideaway would like to reach out to youngsters between the ages of 12 and 17 from single parent households who would like to experience pheasant hunting with one of our members or regular hunters.

We need names of youngsters who would be interested as well as names of our members and friends who would be willing to take one youngster at a time pheasant hunting.

We, Whispering Pines, will add two birds to the adult hunters allotment. It would work something like this. If a member was willing to take a youngster hunting and asked for six birds from his annual allotment, Whispering Pines would add two birds. We will do this for up to 25 youngsters this year.

We hope that we can provide a safe and enjoyable hunting experience to a youngster that might not otherwise have the chance for this kind of experience.

I realize it is late notice:

We have a Pheasant Tower Shoot tomorrow, Saturday, 10:00AM. I have a couple of positions open if anyone is interested. Call me for the details if interested. 315.946.6170


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