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moose, dont worry about me haha ive got thick hide i dont mind the grammar comment in the least, although from his perspective it must suck to have posted something that nobody else cares about lol

oh well sunday ill hunt the ridge hoping the storm makes them move a bit

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I would start off by getting a cheap bicycle to help to get there and back without getting all sweaty. I would avoid those all day sits this early in the season because you are just going to burn yourself out this early. Save those longs sits for the rut. Sit where you see a lot of deer sign. It sounds obvious but some people focus to much on terrain as to where the deer actually are doing. Like ShaunHu said do something scouting and if you have a shotgun or 22 you can make it more fun picking off critters. You really don't have to worry much about the blast of a gun though because that won't spook them all that much. Remember hunting is a learning curve that takes a while to learn esp you don't have someone to mentor you and if you run into other hunters talk to them and get friendly pointers they may have to offer. Good luck

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Poor kid asking for help and people are bashing his grammer and how he words things. Know wonder way kids don't ask for help. Hey fisher2 i would help you in a heart beat but i am not close enough. P.S. sorry for the wrong grammer if there is any but this is a hunting web site not ENGLISH CLASS.

Moose, and everyone else bashing on the grammar comment; he's 19 years old, not 5. This is a forum, where people come online and TYPE.

Obviously most of the folks here don't seem to care about how society views us as hunters, a bunch of illiterates carrying guns and shooting things up in the woods. That'll look great for us in trying to preserve the 2nd amendment for sure. That's if we can still read it after a couple generations.

I was just offering some friendly advice to the boy, take it or leave it; simple as that.

I second the cheap bike idea, that should cut down the sweat and travel time.

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some good pointers so far,scent is the biggest part,great idea about getting dressed at the start of your hunt.Have done that for a long time,(my buddies thought Iwas nuts),but it works,state land is harder to pattern deer,and that will change when gun starts.Look for natural funnels,ridges,water,food etc.dont get discouraged,it'll come

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