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GreeneHunter last won the day on July 23

GreeneHunter had the most liked content!

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    4H / B / R
  • Interests
    Retired Veteran

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    30 30 / 12 Gauge
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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GreeneHunter's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

  • Dedicated Rare
  • Conversation Starter Rare
  • Reacting Well Rare
  • Very Popular Rare
  • Posting Machine Rare

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  1. Years ago I bought one of those four in one printers , its going to come in handy !
  2. I've just been granted access to an additional 50 acres which is alongside a 360 acre Wildlife Manage Area (4B) ! I requested to put up a Ladder Stand and been given the " Go Ahead " .... yippee ! I'm going to take my ATV for a ride there in the next couple days , do some scouting and if I see any trace of activity I'll be setting up a Trail Cam !
  3. Yup .... I swap out my SD Chips and change batteries if needed ! I don't have any Cellular Cams ... as of yet !
  4. I used to do alot more summer scouting but my Trail Cams have ruined me , but I swap chips out every 3-4 weeks !
  5. JD Vance .... A US Marine Combat Veteran , Yale Graduate and a Non Career Politician .... Finally a Veteran in the White House (or will be shortly )
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