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Hello from 8Y


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Hey everyone, I'm new on this forum. Ive been hunting since I was 12 years old. At 25, I've learned a lot, and still have a ton of stuff to learn. Though I do hunt deer, I have always had a blast hunting squirrels. One of my favorite things to do. As far as my choice of firearms, for big game (deer, bear if given the opportunity) I use a Remington 870 Express 20-gauge. It's not my favorite gun, but I love it. When I need a rifle, I grab my WASR-10. Before I get anyone judgemental writing harsh comments, let me say that I have been a gun owner since I was 5-years old. I have just about every safety course under the sun, and am also very insistant on gun safety when with friends, family, or younger family members. I treat every weapon as if it was loaded. It is my second ammendment right to carry an AK-47 affield. For the unaware, a 7.62x39 round is in fact an underpowered .308 round. I do apoologize if the appearance of the tool that I choose to use to fill my freezer is intimidating, I mean nothing by it. It is however the gun that I am most confident with shooting. With that out of the way, I use that gun for deer, or varmints (red squirrel, wood chuck, coyote). When hunting grey squirrels, crows, sometimes wood chucks, I use my Henry AR-7 survival rifle. I do bow hunt, unfortunately, not very often. Well, I've taken enough of your time, and I look forward to seeing posts from everyone!!

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