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How to beat them!

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We can beat them…

But only with diligence, stamina, cooperation, and determination. The recent sweeping gun legislation as well as the blatant disregard for property rights, human health, and environmental welfare which is a product of the federal and state governments’ swift advancement of hydrofracking throughout the northeast and other sections of the nation; has also swiftened the learning curve of sportsmen. Combined with a tradition of organization well before the internet, we know have the internet as a communication and information tool.

We should not waste any more time courting antagonistic and turncoat politicians until we ascertain the mathematical possibility of voting them out in various districts. In addition to voting records, the assembly and senate chairs of committees of significance to sportsmen’s issues, i.e. Environmental Conservation and Agriculture need to be scrutinized for their willingness to put friendly bills on the shelf to expire as well as give top priority to hostile or divisive bills. For example: NY State Senator John DiFrancisco, the senate encon committee chairman, “shelved” S-6968, the “dove bill” for two years so that it would expire and he did not have to confront mainly out of state, electronically signed and mailed, form letters, generated from the website of the Humane Society of the US, who are currently facing federal racketeering charges and are being sued by the State of South Dakota for interfering with its hunting and farming industries. In calculating this mathematical possibility we need to include our children who will be reaching voting age by election time and be sure to properly indoctrinate them. The importance of recruiting new hunters must redirect its emphasis to target VOTING AGE people! As we have concentrated on youth seasons, we must immediately develop recruitment programs for this demographic and include education on topics such as the law making process, grassroots lobbying, constitutional law, supporting friendly nonprofits, and the importance of a focused vote.

In the aftermath of the new gun law proposals, and in the case of NY, the new gun laws passed with uncanny speed, and Obama’s movement to give gas/oil companies control of the nation; by now, each and every one of you should be an expert on the law making process and know how and to whom to write letters to. If not you need to get with it. You should also be registered to several sportsmen’s internet forums or message boards. You should have a facebook account and know how to use it. Please get involved, including but not limited to forwarding and cross posting this message onto websites, forums and social media accounts. To reach the old school, print it out and post it on your club’s board as well.

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I meant Grisanti, not DiFransico. DiFransico actually sposored the dove bill, Grisanti who chairs the encon committee had the power to move the bill or keep it on the shelf, he chose to shelf it.

Sorry for the inaccuracy, we realize the seriousness of this. However, we cannot and do not plan on doing this indefinetly. Others need to step up - or send us money. When hydrofracking becomes a reality in NY we are moving out of state anyway.

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