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Bow season note and DMP deadline approaching


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NY Big Game, 


Another year of deer hunting is now underway in New York, and  Northern Zone bowhunters have already begun reporting their harvests.    Hunters should remember that only unfilled tags (excluding DMAP and DMP  tags) from the 2009-2010 license year are valid during this September  portion of the season.  The new license year begins October 1, 2010, so  come Friday, hunters should clear their pockets of old tags and begin  carrying and using the 2010-2011 tags. 


Friday October 1, marks the next milestone for deer hunters, with  the opening of regular season (bowhunting only) in Suffolk County and  the closing of the Deer Management Permit (DMP) application period.   

  • Deer hunters in Suffolk County (Wildlife Management Unit 1C) may use  their Regular Season Deer Tag, special season either-sex or antlerless  tag, or DMP tags, but all deer hunting during the Suffolk County regular  season is with bowhunting equipment only.  Bonus tags are also  available to hunters who take an antlerless deer on a DMP for WMU 1C. 
  • The DMP application deadline is Friday, October 1.  See www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/30409.html for the probabilities of getting selected for 1st or 2nd choice DMPs in each WMU. 


Also, I'll take this opportunity to put in a plug for reporting  your deer (or bear or turkey) via our web-based system.  Click the  reporting icon at www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8316.html or follow the links from our home page www.dec.ny.gov for  the internet harvest reporting system.  For those of you that don't  like the using the phone to report your harvest, reporting on our  internet system is quick and easy.  Several reasons why I prefer the  online reporting system: 

  • It shows me all the tags I've got available and the tags I've already reported for the year. 
  • I can view county and town maps to help select the most accurate  location and identify the appropriate WMU.  Of course you should already  know the location of kill and have it correctly filled out on your  carcass tag, but to double check, we give you the maps.
  • It has links to supporting pages for information on how to collect  and submit a black bear tooth or how to measure a turkey beard and spur.
  • I can see what I'm entering into the report rather than just punching keys on the phone.


Enjoy the early season hunting and remember to report your harvest - try the internet reporting system this time. 


Jeremy Hurst 

Big Game Biologist

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