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Not sure if NYS has tried this yet....but just wait...their not ones to be out done on a tax bases....


I'm waiting for the human emissions tax...I'd best stay clear of broccoli :fie:


Oopppss forgot to paste..


Rain tax??!!
« on: April 11, 2013, 10:44:11 AM »
Well just when you thought Md couldn't get any more greedy you find out they are now going to tax everyone in the 4 biggest counties mine is included for RAIN!!! Yes boys and girls starting in July you will be taxed on the amount of impervious surface you have on your property. Buildings sidewalks driveways patios anything that cause runoff of rain water. Seems the EPA mandated that Md reduce the amount of runoff into the Chesapeake Bay and it costs 4.8 billion so this "rain tax" is the Governer's answer. Average cost will be 75.00 a year. I got to move!!!!!


Edited by growalot
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The stupidity of this is...It Doesn't address what the EPA mandates...are those taxes going into municipal projects to divert the run off and clean it before allowing it into the lakes? Politicians are ridiculous ...I think a chimp could possible be trained to do a better job

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Just a money grab. Next will be..... if you have shade trees on your property you will have to pay a tax because your trees block sun light to other plants. If you cut those trees down, to give those plants more sun light,  then you are depriving birds and squirrels of nesting areas and you will pay a fine/tax on that...... It's all about dirty,dirty, dirty politicians figuring out a way to  take as much of your hard earned money as they can.. Shameless & dirty and they get paid for it......

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