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WANTED Bolt action .223 or AR -15 in .223

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I am looking to stop throwing shotgun ammo and beating up my shoulder for coyotes so if anyone has a .223 rifle either an AR -15 or a bolt action .223 either one would work for me ....

Post what ya got Pictures would be really nice.

also I am a big Rem Fan so a 700 or ar-15 from them would be outstanding, but i would buy just about any brand .223

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It is a Remington 700....HS precision stock...has had trigger work done to it to polish and adjust. The guy I bought it from said he had a custom trigger put in but I don't believe it....looks just like my other 700's. For anything other than bench or varmit I would adjust it up a bit. I have never had it scaled but it is light. It has the varix II 6.5-20 x44 on it. I have taken chucks out to 425 yards with it....300 yard shots are a slam dunk ...prone on a bipod. I don't have a bipod anymore though. The barrel is mint. I have to look into it a bit but I think it should go for around 800-900. but I will firm that up

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