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Sit the Morning, Stalk mid day, Sit the night?


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So i sat 3 or 4 days last week and i am reasonably sure no one else is hunting anywhere close to my area. yet 


Saw one HUGE buck early in the AM and another nice one that was prolly 1 year and a half


i know exactly the route they took but im about 30 to 40 yards away from the path i actually saw them walk out of their bedding area. dont want to move my stand cause i feel i should be a bit patient.got my stand on a trail that leads into thier bedding area from the east end and they left out of a trail that is closer to the western edge. grassy area that is surrounded by a creek gets a bit swampy then their bed then my stand.


there are only a few places to get into it that wont leave you stuck in some pretty thick mud.


they leave that area and head to food further west or food further east, all within a mile of each other. the food source to the east is closer though.


trying to figure out if i dont see movement during the day when i go out there what would be the best time for me to leave stand and stalk a bit.


not gonna stalk them as i dont wan to spook em outa the area, there is another spot where im sure some nice doe's are bedded down near the food source further west that i want to sneak up on. but im gonna be pissed if i leave stand and miss a shot.


should i just sit it out and wait, or what time should i leave stand ? they were snorting and wheezing around 4 ish one day but all was quiet from like 11is 4is and i left about 6 30 latest one day as i dont want to lose im at night.


would prolly take me like a half an hour to get to where i think the does are look around for an hour and head back in another half our if i move at a decent pace.


thoughts? should i just sit out the stand the hole day or break it up.


curious as to what others do



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I wouldn't sit in the same stand for 3 or 4 days in a row.  I've always thought a stand needs a break after 2 days.  If I were you I would move your stand a few yards (+/- 50yrds).  also 30 to 40 yrds off a deer trail is a far shot (for me atleast).  get get a bit closer to the path.


But if there are deer in the area, I wouldn't still hunt them with a bow....I would sneak in and out of the stand morning or night or stay the whole day.

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