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    putnam / dutchess
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    surfing web

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  1. $50 bucks a piece...starting a go fund me to launch 10,000
  2. 12ga lightfield hybrids sell for over $10 per shell now...crazy expensive..I think think 20ga are about the same... you'll see them on GunBroker from time to time
  3. 3 or 4. Assuming Each deer yields about 50 pounds of meat.
  4. Anyone know why they ceased production? A box of 5 12GA lightfield slugs cost about $40 when you can locate a seller. 20ga lightfield slugs are about the same price...can be found on gunbroker
  5. Looks like NYC homeless subway droppings
  6. Despite my Ithaca 37 16 GA currently being my favorite shotgun, if I could only have one, I'll go with a 12 GA Ithaca 37 as shells are easier to come by
  7. Did you adjust the new carb? Change fuel filter?
  8. Anyone have any 12 GA. lightfield slugs they want to sell?
  9. If you're in an area that allows it, get a burn barrel and burn all the wood. Also make sure to stack the stuff in dumpster, break cabinets down and stack them Also scrap all the copper, alum. And other metal...it might end up paying for your dumpster
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