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Greene county Turkey


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Heading up for to my uncles place at ski windham in the beginning of oct for some turkey.  It is greene county.  I hunted elm ridge wild forest last spring with no luck.. i saw turkey every where but not where i could hunt. 


Anyone hunt greene county?  dont no much about the area looking for a spot i could try.  If not ill be back in elm ridge and hope the fall works better then the spring for me. 

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I have turkey hunted Greene county most of my life, but almost exclusively in the spring. Unfortunately I have only pheasant hunted that piece of land. I am always spring hunting on the eastern side of Blackhead/Blackdome. You could get up into the colgate lake area and see what is there. I have seen flocks of birds off the conservation trail on the eastern side of blackhead in the fall. Also there is access at the top of storks nest rd in Round Top, but don’t ever hunt there in the spring, there are no birds :no: .

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