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Jan 25 in Albany

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When: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 9AM-1:30PM    Where: Legislative Office Building, Albany NY

This is important to all sportsmen and sportswomen and those who want to keep our 2nd Amendment rights.  We have to let the legislators know what we want.  This event was a great success last year.

If you are from in or near Greene County and would like to go by bus, the Greene County Federation of Sportsmen will have a free bus:from Hunter Bus Garage, Coxsackie, NY—Leaving 8AM    Reservations (Must Have): Call Hank Coons @ 518-943-0644 ASAP or email [email protected] 

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A great event.  Hats off to Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb (R-Canadaigua), Tom King of NYSRPA, Remington Arms and all the Sportsmens clubs and federations who made it successful.  Over 3,000 pro-gun activists flooded the Legislative Office Building.

With Andrew Cuomo as the new Governor and Eric Schneiderman as the Attorney General (author of micro stamping legislation) you are making a mistake, in my opinion, if you are not active with your government officials.  Because state officials are not up for re-election in 2011, that would be the year they try gun control measures. 

Please attend.  Dress nicely, speak politely.  Make appointments with staff and legislators.  Most anti-gun legislators are that way from lack of information.  Invite them to the range or your club.  Now is the time to build friendships - BEFORE we need them. 

Some pics for this past event:  Me with EVP of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre; the crowd in the well of the LOB, 3,000 strong. 



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I have to respectfully disagree, nyrkba.  There are plenty of legislators that want nothing to do with us to be sure.  However, sportsmen often make the mistake of only visiting those that are with us.  In NY that is too small a number. The lobbying day is wasted if you don't reach out and try to make some new friends.

I've been a professional lobbyist since 1991, including NRA-ILA State & Local Affairs in NY from 2001-2004.  I've found many staffers and legislators simply have not been exposed to guns or the shooting sports. 

Best thing you can do - invite your legislators & staff to the range back home.  Teach them.  Expose them to the fun of safe shooting.  Once you break down the barriers of politics and build a relationship with these folks, the politics gets easier down the road.  Not all will respond positively, but some will. 

It's not enough to preach to the converted.  It's time to expand our influence by making more friends.

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nyrkba:  You don't know or anything about me.  ILA was very pleased with our work, we delivered exactly what they asked of us.  I still work closely with them today.

Since I'm not the original poster of this thread I'd ask that you'd keep on topic and stop the anonymous sniping at me.  If you know me I'm easy to find.  Be a man and contact me directly if you need to get something off your chest.  Unlike you I'm comfortable enough in my opinions that I'm willing to put my real name and contact info with them.

To everyone else, this "nyrkba" opinion not withstanding, please consider attending January 25th.  Too much at stake and a new Governor and AG that don't share our views.  Not the time to be fighting amongst ourselves, but there are always those who seem to relish in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sign up Sheet! January 25,2011  www.scopeny.org

Brian Kolb has announced the 2011 Sportsman and Outdoor Recreation Awareness Day for Tuesday January 25. Last year there were over 2000 in attendance. Keynote speaker will again be Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of the NRA.  Contact your Chapter Chair for information on Transportation.

Oswego County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs will be hosting a bus for this event with pickups in Pulaski at 5 am and at Gander Mountain, Cicero at 5:30 am. We will be returning around 2 pm. Those wishing to ride the bus will be asked to make a donation to help cover the cost of the bus which will be around $25 per person.

  The bus will accommodate 55 people and it is on a first come first serve basis. Additional details will be forthcoming as they become available.

Hope to see everyone in Albany!  Erie County Chapter will be hosting a bus leaving the South Gate Plaza at 4:00AM. The cost will be $20.00 per seat,

SCOPE NY will be teaming up with Sporting Clubs, Conservation Clubs, etc to visit legislators in Albany on January 25th 2011.

We need volunteers to fill the buses, fill the halls, and visit the legislators.

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See Dick Nelson's column this week


Gunowners preparing to rally in Albany

By Dick Nelson


Tuesday, December 28, 2010 2:11 AM EST

Fly-fishermen may have to wait awhile, but anyone who found long underwear, a knit cap, wool socks and/or insulated gloves under the Christmas tree Saturday morning had a chance to put them to immediate use. Ditto for snow shovels, snow blowers, snowshoes, skis and snowmobiles.

That Nor’easter that blew into town Sunday afternoon dumped enough of the white stuff to keep most people active, and like it or not, it was something we all had to deal with.

Sportsmen definitely won’t like what lies ahead as far as proposed gun legislation is concern. The new administration will be pushing for stricter gun control laws and with Eric Schneiderman moving into the Attorney General’s office, you can bet microstamping will be on the top of the list.

You can also bet that anti-gun legislators will be capitalizing on last week’s gun tragedy where a 12 year old Wilton boy accidentally shot and killed his 12-year-old friend. The boys were playing with an unloaded gun found in the father’s dresser drawer, then found a loaded clip.  On Monday the father of the child that fired the fatal shot was charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Child for leaving ammunition loose in the home.

On the other hand, gunowners and other sportsmen will have several opportunities to show Schneiderman and the anti-gun crowd that they’re not ready to roll over and play dead; and it all begins on January 25, 2011 with the second annual “Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day”.

Organized by Assembly Republican Leader Brian Kolb (R,I,C-Canandaigua) in conjunction with the Assembly GOP Conference, the event is expected to draw even more people and not-for-profit vendors such as The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA), Shooters’ Committee on Political Education (S.C.O.P.E.) and Safari Club International (SCI), then participated in the inaugural event.

Held at the Legislative Office Building (LOB) the first one drew more than 2,000 people, but this time around the organizers are hoping to fill the LOB with more than 5,000, which shouldn’t be hard to do considering how many gunowners and hunters there are in this state. Hell, the Albany Gun Show at the Rockefeller Plaza Convention Center annually draws three times that many people, and they have to pay a fee. In addition, attendees at that event won’t have an opportunity to see and hear National Rifle Association (NRA) CEO and executive vice president Wayne LaPierre. This event is free and open to the public.

Other scheduled speakers include: NYSRPA president Tom King; James Rabbia of Remington Arms; Stephen Aldstadt, president of S.C.O.P.E.; and William Schwerd, executive director of New York State 4-H Shooting Sports.

In a prepared statement announcing the event, Kolb, himself a member of the NRA, NYSRPA, S.C.O.P.E. and SCI said, “My Assembly Republican colleagues and I are pleased to invite all New Yorkers to our second annual Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day,” noting that “Hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation are essential to New York’s economy, contributing over $6 billion every year.”

“It has always been important to me that sportsmen and women have the opportunity to network with colleagues and meet with their legislators to discuss the important role of heritage sports and other outdoor activities,” Kolb said.

When preparing some of the particulars for the second annual, King said, “The Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day is a huge success that will continue to grow; I congratulate Minority Leader Brian Kolb for understanding the great impact the shooting and outdoor sports have on the economy of New York State.”

In the meantime, many sportsmen federations and gun clubs will be providing transportation up to the LOB  including Columbia, Greene and Ulster counties, each of which have made arrangements for bus service.

According to Greene County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs secretary Hank Coons, about 20 seats have already been filled on the bus they secured. The bus will leave the Hunter Bus Company garage parking lot (off Route 9W) in Coxsackie at 8 a.m. and leave Albany at approximately 1:30 p.m.

According to Coons, the return time has been scheduled a little later so attendees can see and hear featured guest speaker Wayne LaPierre. Other than a good-will donation, there is no charge for seating, which will be held on a first come, first served basis. If you’re looking to catch a ride contact Coons at 518-943-0644, or by email at: [email protected] . You can also contact Walt Bennett at 518-239-6569.

The Columbia County Sportsmen’s Federation has made arrangements for two buses and to reserve a seat on either one of these, contact federation president Don LaValley at 518-329-4011. Here too the ride is free.

According to Joe Liuni, president of the Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs of Ulster County, federation buses are scheduled to leave the Hudson Valley Mall (near Macy’s) in Kingston at 7:30 a.m. sharp, and anyone planning to make the trip should be there at least one-half hour before.

Bus Fare is $20 per person and advance reservation is required. Walk-ups will be accepted but only if seats are available. You needn’t be a club member to participate and individuals are welcome. Just make checks payable to the FSCUC and mailed to attention of Elmer LeSuer, FSCUC, P.O. Box 3873, Kingston, NY 12402. And don’t forget to include the name of each passenger, along with a cell phone number if possible for each so they can be contacted if late or missing.

To reserve a seat on one of the Ulster County buses contact LeSuer at 914-466-5940, or by email [email protected], or Liuni at 845-853-3142 or [email protected] .

For more information on the event e-mail Assemblyman Kolb at [email protected], or call Mike McGuire at 518-455-5073. Details can also be found on Facebook.

Remember, a big part of this event is to meet with legislators and let them know how you feel about proposed anti-gun legislation, so appointments should be made beforehand.

Dropping anchor ‘til next time.


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