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Tagged out! :)

Got out this afternoon for a bit and noticed some good sign of movement on my cams last night and this morning. I slipped back to my blind for the night and about an hour before dark had 2 yearlings come within 10 yds of me. I let them pass and watched as they fed through the creekbottom for the next 1/2 hour.

I began to wonder why I let them walk as the shivvers were beginning to set in and I could deffinately use a few days off before ML season. At that point I decided I'd take the shot if they did anything stupid like come back.....what were the odds of that anyhow?

Well, actually pretty good. ;D This one came in to 60 yrds or so and bedded down facing me. I dropped the hammer and the little rascal exploded from his bed and took off on a dead run out of sight. :O

I packed up my gear and took chase to find the little button buck piled up 100yds away just about as far as I could see. I was pretty amazed at his reaction after the shot as he took it right at the base of his neck straight on up into his body. How he managed to even get to his feet is beyond me. So far this dang ML is 6 for 6 over the last 2 seasons and I still have both my tags left for the late season. Freakin' love this gun.

All I know is he'll make some nice tender vittles and some tastey peppersticks!

Finaly a few days off before I get back after them again!  ;)



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