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Background Checks?

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Interesting article regarding background checks vs Constitutional rights.


By Donald L Cline:


In 1993, a federal law was passed for the stated purpose of preventing our reducing access by criminals and the mentally ill to firearms. The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 instituted, for the first time in our history, a compelled interrogation under penalty of perjury and a search of a citizen’s private papers and effects on public record as a precondition to receiving (or being denied) permission to exercise a fundamental right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

#The purchase of a firearm is not probable cause of criminal conduct, yet this interrogation and search is compelled in violation of our Fourth Amendment right to be secure from search in the absence of probable cause of criminal conduct.

#A compelled written interrogation under penalty of perjury and a compelled search of otherwise private records on public databases is not due process, yet this interrogation and search is compelled in violation of our Fifth Amendment right to be secure from deprivation of rights in the absence of due process.

#The authority to violate our rights is not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States, and is prohibited to the states, by the 10th Amendment.

#No criminal, and no mentally ill person, has ever been prevented from committing a crime by this egregious government violation of our fundamental rights. This law was never intended to reduce access to firearms by the criminal or the mentally ill and its backers knew it would not accomplish this objective. However, it does accomplish another objective dear to their hearts: It renders moot our constitutional rights under the Fourth, Fifth, 10th, and ultimately Second, Amendments.

#We, the people, were suckered into supporting the above law and now its chickens are coming home to roost: The anti-rights factions that supported that above law have now managed to get an initiative passed in the state of Washington requiring this background check through a dealer any time a firearm is handed from one individual to another, even for the temporary purpose of inspection or training.

#Colorado already has such a law. The backers of the Washington initiative now have their sights set on Nevada, and Arizona and Maine are next.

#Our rights under the U.S. Constitution are not subject to voter initiatives or unconstitutional fiat masquerading as law.

#Background checks cannot be lawfully compelled as a precondition to receiving permission to exercise a right no government, at any level, has the authority to issue or withhold.

#I urge all to examine these issues and our Constitution very carefully, and vote to ban all government interference in our fundamental and guaranteed rights.

#Donald L. Cline



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