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What Antis are currently up to in NY!

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Here is the anti petition I messaged about earlier. The issue of hunting contests is not one I am passionate about and in my opinion, they are not good for the public image of hunting. Therefore, i will not be engaging in this issue.

However, I find a few things about this interesting and possibly useful. First, this was delivered with a message revealing their strategy. The contest bill has not been moved for a vote (familiar to advocates of dove and Sunday hunting). The antis strategy is to gather massive petition signatures and then assemble at the capitol (picket) while their lobbyists go into the offices of the state lawmakers with petition in hand. Minus the picketing part and it sounds like a winner to me...

A couple observations: I see the new (assembly?) encon chairman is  republican Thomas O'mara, district 58. The vice chair is anti hunter and anti hunter sponsored Tony Avella....

It should not be a surprise they already gathered over 8,000 signatures. Also note the shared it on face book 2,968 times and on twitter 830. They are taking full advantage of electronic petitions and social media. If you didn't see our last article on "networking" that just came out yesterday, check it out - you can't miss it because the title photo is a picture of Andrew Coumo shotgun hunting. Please read this article and cooperate with our strategy!



Edited by mike rossi
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