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proposed budget has important implications for DEC conservation progra

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I actually am glad this post got little attention. I looked at the budget proposals closer, and I don't think this is very exciting.


I might write my state representatives in support of off loading the e-licensing expenses. I agree that this state mandate should not be funded by sporting  license revenue in the amount of $ 1.2 million dollars a year.


I am not apprised about the fish hatcheries, so I cannot comment on that aspect.


The access projects are not specified as to where and why, and usually these projects benefit non-hunters rather than hunters. I personally would not support this without more information, and I doubt any info would persuade me because generally these projects rarely offer hunters anything and often negatively impact hunting.  . 


As far as the Habitat and  Access Account, all this does is create an additional account, outside the Conservation Fund and the explanation for the purpose of doing this does not make sense to me. The account  will purportedly  have the same protection from sweeping and diversion in the Capital Projects Fund as it does in the Conservation Fund; however, that is academic, because there is no satisfactory explanation given for this change. 

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