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Freebees have been good this spring...


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I have 8 yards of pretty good fill and now 8 yrds of chips...4 of all pine and 4 of hard wood...not bad...The guys gave me what they took off my neighbors place and under the lines on mine....though not real happy you can now see clearly into our woods from the road...at least it's on the house side and where the deep jagged rock filled ditch is. With the sun getting to it everything should fill back in very fast...Poor old guy(hunter) will just freak out when he sees what they did....brought up the mulching machine and completely chewed to the dirt about a 35ft foot swath along his front line...All the sumac...wild rose ect...the buck routinely bedded in...Oh my...his accent is rough in a slow conversation...I may be glad I won't understand half of what he says about that... :rolleyes: That machine is a chewing monster...we need one for camp, dang thing clears land like crazy!

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Well the doe must bed there to for I went down to mow and came back to spook up 5 doe. milling around in the cut area..They left nothing but splinters and dirt....those deer were sniffing all around the area...I watched them for a while and then continued on out to the road and past them...they scattered but not far...but their escape route...took them straight up onto us...mental note....

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