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Where to plant my apple trees...

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I started those apple suckers this spring...they looked like they had died back ..in pots and sorta forgot them...then all of a sudden they had great regrowth and are doing really well..I need to get them in the ground...but not sure where. I have lots of apple trees and to be honest not sure what these will be...parent hasn't had apples yet....I'm thinking the dead ground ,as it were....  behind my blind would be good...the slashings canopy left zero growth underneath...I refused to work the area because of the problems with the guy( owners nephew with a 1 acre"hunting camp") next door...but now the fence is up(mostly) and the blind conceals my where abouts...I will be hinging and cutting out junk trees and opening the oak canopy...I am also lining the edge of woods/plot with a brush fence to keep deer crossing closer to the blind or the stand  at the other end of laneway. Where the metal fence keeps them moving farther up on us when escaping. I would be good to have apples there in 5 years. The owner next door has been logging and cutting fire wood the last 10 years and opened up the area for the west sun to shine on us...I let him know I planned on putting the fence up.  So he could drop his large trees on us if need be  before I started...He did just that , which gives us lots of sun exposure.

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