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Is this for real?? A UN police presence in US cities?

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Ahh the internet phone.


The DOJ announces something - http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/launch-strong-cities-network-strengthen-community-resilience-against-violent-extremism


Some site picks it up http://noisyroom.net/blog/2015/10/01/us-attorney-general-us-cities-join-un-to-create-global-police-force-intiative/and adds a little "circumventing the constitution" blurb without backing that statement up at all or explaining it.


Then Gellar uses that reference in her first sentence here http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/02/obama-administration-and-un-announce-global-police-force-to-fight-extremism-in-u-s/, more nebulous yet dire warnings about how "sharia compliant" the UN is, words like "ominous" etc yet she doesn't explain anything at all.  Again, nothing back up her assertions except more assertions.


Then the Federalistpapers picks it up, more words like "subjugation" but no explanations, no arguments, no reasoning.  Just a link back to Breitbart.


Now you post it here and it becomes "UN police presence", extrapolating every claim made before, but again, no substantiation, no proof, no actual argument, just links to pages with more links to pages with more links, each site more shrill and alarmist than the one before.


So tell me VJP, you obviously read the same document I did, right?   Is your fear of the UN so great that you resist any and all initiatives and efforts where the UN is even mentioned at all?


Because this initiative is not run by the UN at all.   It's run by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, which is NOT part of the UN and not affiliated with it.


The AG announced this effort in front of the UN.  Like she wanted to tell the whole world, maybe get a few more cities on board, and what's a great way to reach everyone?  Give a speech in front of the UN.    Which to you means that the UN peacekeeping forces will be directing traffic in front of your house towards the nearest UN concentration camp, right?


So if you look at the actual press release from DOJ, it very plainly explains that 25 major cities will pool information.   That's pretty much the extent of the initiative.   So like instead of one city learning from experience and then putting that information into a silo, it will be shared among the others.


Please note that there is not a SINGLE reference to enforcement, police presence, troops, anything even remotely close to that.


Instead we have:


  • safeguard the rights of local citizens and communities
  • enable cities to learn from one another
  • develop best practices
  • build social cohesion and community resilience
  • benefit from an online repository of municipal-level good practices

Sounds all good to me, I want to fight terrorists through information sharing, don't you?  Or is your hatred of the UN so strong that you will prevent cities from sharing information about terrorist methods "just because"?


So to recap:


The AG announces something in front of the UN.


Clickbait websites turn this non-event into an ominous sign the UN is deploying troops in their neighborhoods.


People like you spread the word with alarmist posts.


No one has any proof, just warm wet stains in their pants from pissing themselves over the coming UNpocalypse.


Oh yeah, to answer your post title, NO and NO.   


Try thinking for yourself instead of swimming in some conspiratorial link fog.


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I don't fear the UN, I distrust the UN, and all who feel it should have any power in this country.


I also believe in the "give them an inch" idea.  I hope you are right, but the same thing has been said about gun control since 1968, so you'll forgive me if I don't trust this.  Besides, neither gun control, nor this, is in any way condoned by the US Constitution.


BTW, I'm not the only one in the land who is skeptical.


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