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Predator Control

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Hey how is everyone doing, I have lived in NY all my life ( other than military time) and hunted here as well. I was wondering if any of you knew of places I could hunt predators since a majority of my places have been sold and the new land owners don't allow hunting. I live in Manchester NY and am not afraid to travel, I love predator hunting Its a passion. I am very respectful when I hunt I use hand calls or e calls and I do NOT run dogs. Thank you for any feed back any of you may have.

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I have found that NOBODY likes coyotes. I guess fox could be considered a different story but anyway... It seems that just about anyone is willing to give permission to thin out the population, as long as it doesn't interfere with the deer hunter's season. I have picked up a couple properties just by keeping an ear out and picking up on conversations and then suggesting myself to help.


At work, my boss' wife (I work for a small construction company) mentioned hearing coyotes howling in their field and being worried about her kids and dog. I explained that I coyote hunt all the time and that I may be able to help rid them for her. It has come to the point that she is basically begging me to come hunt them. 


A girl I've been seeing for a little while now mentioned that her cousin had her cat eaten by coyotes and that they are looking to hire someone to come take care of them. I told her to call her cousin and offer that I could come do it for free...Now that property is mine to hunt as I please.


My friend and I have been coyote hunting a farm he has permission to deer hunt and we got one coyote so far. When my friend went there to drop off some fresh walleye and venison tenderloin as a thank you for the hunting permission, The landowner's sister was there and through some conversation he was able to bring up coyote hunting. Now we can coyote hunt the landowner's sister's property and possibly the neighbors as well.


It seems that permission for coyote hunting is starting to spread like wildfire for us. You could also knock on some doors (I suggest waiting until deer season is over so that doesn't play a role) and you could pick up some spots that way. I just try to explain that I will only be hunting predators outside of deer season

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Hey how is everyone doing, I have lived in NY all my life ( other than military time) and hunted here as well. I was wondering if any of you knew of places I could hunt predators since a majority of my places have been sold and the new land owners don't allow hunting. I live in Manchester NY and am not afraid to travel, I love predator hunting Its a passion. I am very respectful when I hunt I use hand calls or e calls and I do NOT run dogs. Thank you for any feed back any of you may have.

I have found that most all farmers hate coyotes and welcome anyone who asks to kill them.

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Thank you for the input guys. the problem that I am running into around here is that most of the farm land has been leased out, and they don't want anyone on their leases which I totally get. The other problem is that most of the farmers respond with coyotes kill woodchucks, so I respond with well I could hunt woodchucks for you as well. I still get told no, the other farmers that are ok with it I already have permission to hunt. just looking for other Ideas I guess. I have been hunting coyotes since 1998 and places that I have hunted have been sold or leased. I guess you could say that I am addicted to coyote hunting and would just like to keep my hunts going.

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I believe he was referring to people who have land or farms.  Not people who have no skin in the game.


Correct. In my experience, Anyone that has land or a farm, or lives in the country does not like coyotes. Of course there are people that do but no one that I have personally talked to. Regardless, my response was geared more towards the fact that it seems much easier to get permission to hunt coyotes than other game species.

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