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Cherry Valley State Forest


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I have never hunted here but I stopped here this past summer to see if the small pond there was fish-able (it is not unfortunately).  On the way out I was making spooky sounds as a joke and heard a coyote howl in the distance.  I can't say exactly how close it was but it didn't sound way off in the distance and closer than I would like so we moved just a little quicker back to the truck.  A 7'2" Abu Garcia isn't my ideal weapon of choice ;)


As a side note, while there we must have seen at least two dozen cottontail.  I know its not white tail deer, but signs of life are a good thing.


PS.  If you like the terrain and feel of Cherry Valley, you might want to also check out Bear Swamp State Forest which is a little south east.  There are two or three parking areas along the roads, snowmobile trails allow a little easier walking access and the western edge of the pond is loaded with deer tracks going to the water.

Edited by 22Plinker
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