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Hot Sauce For Wings ( or w/e )


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I haven't done this in quite a few years but it will get you a pretty hot sauce for w/e.

Try at your own risk!


Prep time, how ever long it takes you.

Cook time depends on how long it takes you.

Amount is on you as well!


Get some fresh hot peppers of your choice. Just make sure they are fresh and still have the skin on. OH! Use gloves, the oil from the pepper will get into your pores and no manner of scrubbing will get it out quick. Don't believe me? Leave the gloves off and use the rest room. You'll see!


Get a pan and add a little EVO ( any oil will work, but EVO enhances the flavor ) add the pepper of choice and sweat the pepper until the skin loosens up enough to remove it.

Take the peppers from the pan and remove the skin, cut the skin up and make it part of the oil. Saute the skin in the oil over low heat for about 5 minutes minutes stirring almost constantly, don't let it burn. Remove from heat.

Use w/e method you prefer to either finely dice or liquefy the pepper, but leave the seeds in there!

Add a little more oil to your pan, toss your diced peppers in there and return to low heat stirring constantly for about another 5 minutes, remove from heat. Add a little real butter and a tbsp of vinegar, and a little paprika for color and some smoky flavor. Put back on heat until butter melts stirring constantly. About 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for 3 minutes.

Put your wings in a bowl ( or another pan if you plan to heat toss them ), pour sauce over them and toss till coated.


Depending on the pepper you use this will be hot. What you have basically done is extract the oils from the pepper, making a homemade extract of pure heat.


Again, try at your own risk. It will be very hot if done right.


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