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Bloomberg Lying Again!

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How do you know he wasn't in Arizona?  He was missing in action from NYC for about 3 days, and when asked by reporters where he was, he told them it was none of their business.

Except for the fact his agents mentioned they did not think they would pass a background check, no laws were broken.  Private sales do not, by law, require a NICS check.

Do you realize conducting such a sting operation is currently a violation of federal law?  Too bad the feds don't enforce it and arrest any body who was involved in it.  It also proves Bloomberg has no respect for the law.

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As I noted in another post, no one from the left gives a damn about the law, or the constitution. Our's truly Barry Hussein 'WhoseInsane' MaObama-Soetoro, aka, Barry Soetoro, aka Baraq Hussein Obama, has stated he wants to "fundamentally transform" our country. That means, people, the constitution. That is our fundamental. So, again, how many are getting involved?

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So why just Arizona so conveniently?  What about the illegal handgun problem in NY... and not just the city but Upstate New York? .. and who gave him permission to STEAL my tax money for his Arizona sting??

too me... what he did with taxpayer money is just as criminal as the focus of his sting

NYC taxpayer money.

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