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Green Stimulous??

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Reports have surfaced that tie the Obama  administration to a massive green energy stimulus scam by a failed  California solar panel manufacturer whose billionaire majority owner  happened to be a major fundraiser for the 2008 Obama-Biden campaign.  Solyndra Inc. left taxpayers on the hook for $390.5 million by reneging  on its promise to create 3,000 construction jobs and 1,000 manufacturing  jobs. Instead of creating the president's utopian green manufacturing  economy, Solyndra announced Nov. 3 that it planned to postpone  expansion, close a plant and lay off workers. According to Energy and  Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Oversight Subcommittee  Chairman Cliff Stearns (R-FL), Solyndra should never have received a  stimulus-guaranteed loan of $535 million. You don't say.

The Obama administration's government payback of its  own campaign fundraiser's "green" enterprises -- that predictably never  turn a profit -- has yet to prompt this administration to make  meaningful efforts to stop fraud and waste. The government has no  legitimate business trying to fund new industries and unproven startups.  Sad how the Obama administration's green energy stimulus schemes  continue to be financial calamities for the taxpayers.

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Anyone so interested may delve into UN's  Agenda 21, and their HABITAT I & II programs. It'll be an eye  opener. Get all the riff raff (commoners) into cities where they can be  better "controlled" (see Warsaw ghetto circa WWII), and able to be used  as slave labor, with the new elites using the vast empty spaces between  as their personal playgrounds. Ever wonder why our federal lands were  handed over to the UN during the Clinton administration?


  http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1448.cfm: This explains the Clinton  sell out, and the collusion of the Republican led Senate in its  implementation


  http://www.un.org/wcm/content/site/sport/sportandmdgs: Using sport to promote collectivization


  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Standard: Promoting green jobs, using green technology in business, etc.


  There are oodles of info out there on the net about this Agenda 21, and  HABITAT I & II. It would take years for any one person to research  it all given the vastness, and complexity. But, remember, a whole group,  or groups, of people sat around for decades think tanking about this  sustainable development, working out how to bring people into the urban  areas (inability to travel due to higher oil prices instigated by  disallowing of drilling on U.S. soil, and offshore?).

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