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Not much of a turkey hunter but yesterday out looking for sheds i saw three out in a field, later in the day i heard some crazy racket in the woods, almost sounded like pigeons, sticks breaking, some intermittent clucks,and this went on for about five min before the noise stopped. After talking to my brother he said the toms do aggressive purrs, getting ready for breeding, establishing hierarchy with the other males. There were definitely a good number of birds from the noise, lots of sticks breaking, i imagine they were scrapping. Very cool experience, as i dont have alot of turkey encounters.

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i watch turkey all the time when i'm out.They like most animals that group have a pecking order both toms and hens have a hierarchy.I noticed one flock is starting to thin out around here.Mother hen will decide whose staying with the flock and kick the rest out.old Toms are pretty much loners,Jacks are like teenagers with high testosterone always testing each other.That's just my 2cents on what i see around here on long island we don't have a spring season so you can really watch what un-pressured birds do.

give turkey hunting a shot it's awesome.

Edited by rachunter
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