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5 minutes ago, buffalojay83 said:

That's where participation comes in

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That does not answer my questions. 

When less than 30% of NY residents vote, apathy runs rampant. I am not willing to take the risk on the CC when history shows that not enough people will stand up and work for change by making their voices heard, which only allows the party bosses to remove more of my rights all at once. 

Constitutional Convention, in a different time and political climate, YES. In today's NY. Not just NO, but HELL NO!

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Politicians would be paid an additional $79,500 which would essentially be 'double dipping'.  And that never sat well with voters, even in the Peoples Republic of New York.  That would jeopardize their re-election efforts, hopefully. 

Voters elect 204 delegates.

Hopefully we/me/you participate to work for changes the people believe should be made.  Like, NOT paying pensions for convicted elected officials, Term Limits (holy god please), and making it easier for third parties to get onto the ballots and taking steps to end the failed two party system. 

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I agree it's risky, but how sh*%y is it to be conservative in NY already?  We're literally not welcome here by our own  emperor Cuomo lol.  There will never be a time that NYC doesn't dictate the politics in upstate NY, so waiting to act will not help either.  I know it's a tricky long shot but so was taking on a King and the biggest military at the time this country was founded.  I'm glad they didn't wait for a better time.  I don't mean to argue, just to make some points and hopefully change a couple minds.

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7 minutes ago, buffalojay83 said:


The key word!

When less than 40% of 6000 signatures on a petition from a SAFE ACT rally were registered to vote, and they refused to register while at the rally because "their vote doesn't count" I am not willing to bank my kids future on "HOPEFULLY"

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2 minutes ago, buffalojay83 said:

There will never be a time that NYC doesn't dictate the politics in upstate NY, so waiting to act will not help either.  

I will throw the the bullshit flag on this. People will eventually get fed up, and when both NYC and Upstate only turn out 30% of the voters in November, NYC is not a shoe in. NYC says Upstate can't beat them so no need to try. Upstate believes they can't beat NYC, so they don't try. When Upstate people finally realize the power of the vote, and they decide to engage, I will get behind this kind of movement, but not today. 

Nobody gave Trump a chance either, but the rest of the country made it happen. NY would have gone for Trump is 10% more of the LAZY people that claim to be fed up had got off their asses and voted. 

In high stakes poker, you have to know when to play your hand and when to get out. Today's NY is not the time to make that move. 

Thank you for your thoughts, but I will not vote yes for CC on the November ballot. 


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