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Checked the 0


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So I checked my NEF Sidekicks zero the other day. And the '06. They both seem pretty much on. Gonna lay off the shooting on the property now that the seasons are gettin close. So now I will be going to the range here on LI to shoot some groups.

I was shooting the FPB, 350 gr, with 85 grains of BH 209. I usually get about a 1"-2" group @ 100 yards, depending on wind, and my ability to shoot straight...Oh, I usually shoot five shot groups. I think I will keep it at three this year. I will ad that shooting that set up is real pleasant. I have never been to recoil shy, but have noticed that in the last few years I enjoy a little less kick to the shoulder.

I just ordered the 300 gr FPB's, gonna give them a try at the range. Has anyone here tried them yet? Accuracy?

Good luck all, the season is comming!



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I have shot the 350 and 300gr in my Heritage,same as sidekick but camo and stainless.I have gotten better groups with the 350gr instead of the 300gr.Others report the same thing.Try some White Power Punch in 400gr or some No Excuses in 460gr ,they shoot lights out and are alot cheaper then the FPB.

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Thanks for the reply, I forgot about this thread...I will try those bullets, I like shooting the muzzleloader.

The 350 shoots as good as it can probably get out of my rifle though. I did not bag anything last year, so I do not know for a fact how they put deer down. I would imagine pretty good.

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The 350gr FPB will knock a deer flat out.

If you want some cheap bullets that are taking muzzle loading by storm try the .452 250-300gr Speer Deep curls.They are like 16 bucks for 50.Try a Harvester sabot and watch what great results you get.Plus they are one of if not the best bullet on the market.They perfrom better then the XTP and that bullet has taken more deer then just about another bullet out there.

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