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Palm Sunday - Covid-19 edition


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 Usually, it is church with the family in the morning and then dinner over at my folk's place. Sadly, that won't be happening this year.   I remember at one of them dinners a few years ago, my mom asked if we wanted a "Palm Sunday".  She asked that we hold out our hands, into which she plopped in a scoop of ice cream.  Luckily, I did not go first.  I was the only one who chose not to participate.   She mentioned that yesterday, when we had a family on-line face-time get-together.   My sister is the only one who is now allowed to go into our folk's house.  The highlight of the meeting for me yesterday, was when I asked my sister to fetch the antler my dad found out on the clover field a week ago.  She brought it in and held it up for me.   I was able to identify it as being from the big buck I saw over there a few times thru archery season last year.   I was not sure if he made it thru gun season, but now I know he did.  Based on that shed, there is no doubt that he was at least 3.5 years old last year.   

I definitely have something to look forward to this fall.  With the minimized selection available in stores (no hamburg or chicken), our venison consumption is up a bit and we are down to about two deer left in the freezer.  Fortunately, the fish supply is holding up good also, because there is no telling if or when the boat launches will be open.

More importantly, we all have something to look forward to, as a direct result of something that started on Palm Sunday 2020 years ago.   That was when our Savior got on that donkey, and started His ride to the big city, where He would be tried and executed on our behalf.   Because of that sacrifice, which paid the full price for all of our mistakes, we will all have a much better forever.   Many are suffering today, but cheer up because next Sunday is a comin (along with deer hunting this fall).       

Edited by wolc123
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