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Hello, new hunter from Westchester


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Hello all, 

So this is my first year hunting and oh my, I never thought I would be so obsessed with it!! Being a city girl who really hates the city,  I would find myself spending a lot of time upstate  hiking.  I  noticed I was spending way too much time in the woods because thats where I am happy but I started getting a little bored with the trails and started venturing off the beaten path.  I  noticed that I was seeing new things that I never saw on the trails  such as rubs and scrapes.   I started finding horns and realized that hunting might just be a lot more interesting than hiking. I spent 2 whole Saturdays taking my hunters safety class and bow class and learned, don't point weapons in an unsafe direction,,,the class really  isnt rocket science.     I've been shooting rifles and handguns for years and am very proficient, I decided I really wanted a challenge so I learned how to shoot bow. I went up to cabellas, spent 8 hours there and bought a beautiful  Bear home wrecker compound bow, I think I fell in love with the name and it's become like my pocket book, I don't go anywhere with out it or my block. I've been out the past 2 weekends and again today in the snow but I haven't harvested anything yet. Saw a nice doe but didn't have a good shot. 

 Hopefully by joining this site, it will help me pick up some tips from some experienced hunters to help this city girl get something.  I need some meat and a wall decoration. Good luck to everyone and happy hunting to all!! 


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