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For those driving on LIE in Suffolk . . .


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I was heading out to Court in Riverhead this morning by exit 71. As I'm driving in the middle lane about 1/2 mile from the exit a white Huyndai wagon blew right passed me on the left. Seconds later I see a bright blue Dodge Charger following it. A second later I see red and blue lights flashing on the rear of the Charger. Pulls him over. Never seen it before. New undercover. Saw the cop in the car with the uniform and all.

On way back, I see another car that looked like a chevy cavilier flying in the left lane eastbound with red and blue flashers on as well. It did not look like a Volunteer Fireman's lights. They were definitely Suffolk Patrol.

Just thought I'd alert you all using the LIE.

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