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Afghans Storm Kabul’s Airport in Desperate Bid to Escape

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Reminiscent of Saigon April 1975. 

The article states “The U.S. government said that in the coming days it would evacuate thousands of American citizens, embassy employees and their families, and “particularly vulnerable Afghan nationals.”

What incompetent bureaucrat is in charge?  These people should have been evacuated weeks ago.  Just like the South Vietnamese military, the Afghan military was not willing to fight for their country.

The article states “The local news media aired video of young Afghans clinging to a plane as it taxied.”

Where were these “young Afghans” when it was time to fight?

Osama Bin Laden was reported killed on May 2, 2011.  If the Afghan mission was to capture Bin Laden, why are we still in Afghanistan ten years later?  Ten years!  Additionally, Bin Laden was reported to have been killed in Pakistan, not Afghanistan!  Just how was Pakistan punished for giving sanctuary to Bin laden?

I believe the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington knew all this would eventually happen because everyone with a functioning intellect and knowledge of real Afghan history knew it. 

Still the war profiteers made lots of money.   That must make all those politicians happy who lost no one to death or injury in that unwinnable war. for nothing.

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