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Single Bevel Kudupoint Broadhead review


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First time shooting Kudupoint 125 grain with bleeders. I would recommend them as i have a 100% recovery rate with them


I am coming from Rage Hypodermics, which I had success with but I already worry about too many things while hunting and don't want to worry about whether or not a mechanical would open properly or not. Also I think penetration will be less of an issue if I am forced to take a quartering to shot.


They shoot very close to my field points. They were about 2 inches left and an inch or so high, it was an easy adjustment.


I forgot to take pics but it looks like there was about 60° difference between entry and exit would so the arrow/head did continue to rotate as single bevels are supposed to. The lungs looked like they were gun shot. I am assuming that is because of the twisting knife effect but I honestly have never bothered to analyze damage before.


Bloodtrail was light for the first 50 or so yards and then started to open up and was very easy to follow. Not like a mechanical, but plenty of blood.


Blade went through ribcage, full pass through and into the dirt. It doesn't have any noticeable nicks and the blade is still sharp.


As far as sharpening, I know the curved blade won't be easy to sharpen so I reached out to owner and he said


"I have used a cylindrical diamond hone by hand. We are also about to introduce an adapter for the Lansky system"


I don't know what the lansky system is but I guess that makes it easier.


It was $54 for 3 which was a lot cheaper than some of the broadheads I've seen it compared against but I'm sure it's more than others.


Pics are of blades after the shot.. If anyone is looking for a change, I would recommend these but again, I only have one kill of experience. 20211104_112652.jpg20211104_133354.jpg20211104_112643.jpg20211104_133313.jpg


Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk



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