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Posts posted by Deleted Account

  1. 1 hour ago, squirrelwhisperer said:

    I said "should" carry not must carry. If you don't want to carry, NBD. I usually don't carry either, at least not my gun. I was only suggesting that more ppl carrying would be a deterrent to the bad guys. 

    The bad guys will always be bad, but if they know they are not the only armed ppl in a given situation, they will almost assuredly look for easier prey. 

    I don't understand how carrying would lead you to worry about anything, other than maybe some extra weight lol. 

    You may never experience an instance where you would need to be carrying. I, however, remember bringing my gun and my pit bull to work with me just to feel like I had a chance. Different circumstances call for different measures. 

    I apologize if I took your statement incorrectly. Again, I disagree that more people carrying would make things "safer", but I'm sure we could argue in circles all day long about that, so no need to do so.

    Hey, if I was going to carry, I'm going for bear, S&W 29, so perhaps weight would be an issue :) I guess it just comes down to knowing that I'm carrying a weapon, and carrying with intent to use against another person should the need arise. Again, this is something that I never worry about, but knowing that I have a gun for this reason would be on my mind anytime that I would be carrying, and I just don't want that worry or responsibility. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, squirrelwhisperer said:

     My feelings are that every law abiding citizen should carry at all times

    I couldn't disagree more. I don't want to carry, I know a lot of people who don't want to carry, and there is no reason that I/we should have to. I'm fine if you want to carry, that's all good by me. Sure, I might be a bleeding heart, but I'm cool with that, I really don't want to shoot anyone, bad or good, and I never worry about having to since I don't carry. 

    I'm not counting on you to save my life if it comes to it, nor would I deny you from doing so if I were in need. I have had too many CC people tell me "since you don't carry, you'll be praying for a guy like me when the time comes." Honestly, I don't think about you carrying concealed, ever. I never walk into a store thinking about whether or not someone is carrying, I have never put myself in a situation that I felt like I needed the protection of someone carrying concealed. Sure, there is the slightest of chances that one of these days a "bad guy" will threaten my life, but honestly, I doubt the first thing that will come to mind is "I should have been carrying". I sincerely just don't worry about it, and carrying would have me worried about it all of the time.

    I don't think that any amount of preparation, whether it be arming or disarming every citizen will prevent bad people from doing bad things. I'd rather live my life in a way that makes me happy, and in a way that for the most part makes comes to a net positive. 

    Please don't take this as me bashing anyone who wants to carry, I fully support your right and decision. I really just would like the same respect for my decision not too. I've had this conversation too many times....

    Oh, and by the way, I do see your point on having everyone carry, I just don't agree with it. Not saying it's not valid, just not something that I'll buy into.

  3. I had never really heard of a Fisher before moving to New York. The main predators we had in Illinois were coyotes, a few bobcats, non-existent (according to DNR) cougars, foxes and mink. However, the hardest thing on rabbits in my opinion were hawks. We had hawks follow us while beagling, and even had one roll a rabbit right in front of the dogs. 

    I haven't seen a fisher since being in NY other than a mounted one. However, if they are as smart/sneaky as a mink, I'm sure they are a terror on whatever they are hunting.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Pygmy said:

    Sometimes young people glance up at me  from their smart phones when I walk into a waiting room with my book...

    I just tell them,  " It's a BOOK...A few of us old timers still use 'em  "....

    HAHA! I will admit that I switched to using a Kobo eReader about a year ago. I tried reading on a tablet, but the lighting was terrible for reading. I like my eReader because it seriously looks like you are reading a paper page, I have access to all of my books anywhere that I go, and I can still borrow from my library and buy from my local bookstore. 

    • Like 2
  5. I figured I'd throw this up on the forum for a few days before putting it on Ebay, just in case anyone is interested. I picked this Case Stockman up at an auction last week, really is a cool little knife, especially for anyone that is a Colt owner or collector. I know this came in a series with some other patterns. 

    Blue and white synthetic handles, 3 blade Stockman pattern, with tin and Certificate of Authenticity. Knife is as new, everything is tight, shiny and has the factory edge. 

    Price is $75 shipped. 


    MVIMG_20200203_084838 (1).jpg





  6. I just finished "The Last Kingdom" the first book in The Saxon Tales series by Bernard Cornwell. A very interesting and well researched historical fiction about the fight for England between the Saxons and the Danes. I'm just waiting for the next in the series to come available at the library.


  7. I have never had any desire to carry, but I don't hold it against anyone who does. I have never been in a situation where I have feared for my life, and honestly, I think carrying would make me a bit paranoid about that kind thing. 

    I always tell people that I have no desire to shoot anyone (not that all CC do) I don't even want to practice on a humanoid target. Plus, I know I more likely to shoot myself than a "bad guy", and that's enough to turn me off of it :)

    Really though, I never worry about the need for a gun, and carrying one would have me worrying all the time about needing one. 


  8. On 11/22/2019 at 9:28 AM, Biz-R-OWorld said:

    The midwest is a whole other world when it comes to whitetail hunting. Maybe someday I'll go, but usually when I book a trip it is to hunt different species than whitetails that i can hunt in NY

    Having hunted my whole life in southeastern Illinois, I will say there are a lot of deer, and a lot of big deer. It is not unusual to see several deer in a season that most would consider the "deer of a lifetime". However, it is still hard to get close to these deer, usually. The one exception are the short gun seasons, when everyone and his brother are out blasting away at anything that moves. This means that every once in a while a hungover Bubba shoots a nice one, that was inadvertently pushed to him by his brother who was stumbling through the woods looking for his tree stand :)

    The biggest deer I ever killed was a 13 pointer, which I had hunted for all season. One March morning on my way to work, he ran in front of my old '84 Dodge pickup. Knocked on antler off, and busted the grill and radiator out of my truck. I still have the antlers, but the truck is long gone. I did love that truck though, it was my first one, and it served me well for several years. 

  9. Definitely not as "high-end" as say a Breitling or Rolex, but I would not snub a Victorinox. I have one, and the thing is really sharp. All Swiss made with Swiss movements. Even though the bulk of their watches are quartz movements, they still have some automatics in their line-up. Their INOX watches are famously tough, if not a little "modern" looking. Still, their line is worth a look.


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  10. I'm not trying to plug anything, I guess I'm just excited and wanted to share. My band made a big announcement last week, in that we are going to be playing on the SPAC main stage for the 2020 Countryfest. I play in a Capital Region country band named "Big Sky Country", and this is a venue we have been trying to get for several years now. 

    Now, I would be the first to argue whether the Countryfest line-up is "country", but we'll be playing with Lauren Alaina, Jordan Davis, Chris Janson, and Brantley Gilbert. We've been fortunate to play some great venues over the years, but I think I'm most looking forward to seeing how one of these big concerts is put together. 

    If you're in the Saratoga area and plan on going to Countryfest, make sure you come say "Hi"!

    • Like 13
  11. One of the school FFA's back in Illinois would have an annual "Pest Control Contest". Local businesses would donate to the fundraiser, and would pay kids who removed pests. There were even prices for different vermin, may 10 cents for a starling, 25 cents for rats etc. I don't think that would fly anymore, though they were still doing it as late as 2005, that was the last year I remember hearing about it. 

    However, I certainly agree that it's not a good look to be making the taking of an animal look like a game. It certainly doesn't do anything to improve the image of hunters in a non-hunting world.

  12. Just now, Elmo said:

    Sorry, just go to this now.

    I had the same thing happen many years ago.  I left a bag of Jack Link's beef jerky on the coffee table and my puppy at that time got to it and ate it but also ate the silica gel that they usually keep in there.  I took her to the vet, vet put her on IV.  Said the drooling is just her body expelling out the chemicals/toxins.

    I dropped her off in the morning.  By the time I picked her up after work she wasn't drooling any more and jumping around like nothing happened.  In the end, I just figured the IV was another reason for him to milk me for $500 but you never know how their bodies would react to a foreign substance.

    I'm glad your lab to going ok.

    Hindsight's 20/20, it's easy to think that charge was frivolous, but if they hadn't followed a poison protocol and your pup got worse or died, it would have been on their heads. Good medicine means proactive treatment.

  13. 1 minute ago, Belo said:

    and they say people with different viewpoints can't have a civil discussion haha.

    I'll add that despite my right leaning views, I am a huge proponent of fixing our healthcare system. Maybe not medicare for all, but something close. Gun rights advocates are typically right leaning and also opposed to fixing our health care system. It's one of, if not the most hypocritical stance they take in my opinion and infuriates me. You rally against blaming the gun, but then refuse to put in effort to treat what we all agree is the root cause, mental health. Meanwhile the left wants no guns and health care. Why is it so hard to see the middle ground?

    It's simple, it's because it's much more popular to attack what we disagree about rather than find what we agree on. 

    That is how politicians get elected these days, not by bringing opposing viewpoints together, but uniting like minds against a common "enemy", even if that "enemy" is your fellow countryman.

    • Like 1
  14. 41 minutes ago, Belo said:

    By liberal, I mean that liberals are generally geared towards more oversight, the nanny state and bigger government. I'm more libertarian and with the exception of smart common sense laws and general law and order I prefer the gov't stay the F out of my business.

    I respect your opinion on saving a kids life, but I would respectfully disagree. I drank beer and smoked a lot of weed as a kid, I did some dumb things but I was also raised pretty well and never thought about taking it further than that or doing something all kids know is very dangerous. I'm not inconvenienced to the point where I would make a stink about it, but generally speaking if a kid is at the point where he or she will huff a toxic gas to escape reality for a few seconds, there are much bigger issues at play with their mental health. We're not addressing the root cause by making it hard for them to gain access to aerosols. The root cause is their mental health and we should focus our efforts on that. 

    We can agree that there are many deeper issues that need to be addressed, and I really hope that we could figure out the way to provide resources to people who don't have access to them, but are in need of them. I've been blessed with what I would consider a privileged life, but I know that others aren't able to say that, and it's not just based on material resources. I was blessed with a loving family, and though we didn't have much, we had enough. That said, I'm the only one of my siblings who hasn't at one time of their life been addicted to methamphetamine. They had the same raising I did, but either developed a different social group, or are struggling with mental illness.

    We'll just agree to disagree on the "nanny state" issues, as I do with my other Libertarian friends. I see your points as valid, but still hold my own :)

  15. 24 minutes ago, G-Man said:

    The county law I enforcement will not enforce un constitutional gun laws... what will happen eventually is a case will have to be tried before supreme court ( thankfully trump is making it conservative) and hopefully all the gun laws we hate will be struck down as unconstitutional and removed.

    Who decides then what is "unconstitutional"? Do we elect Constitutional Scholars as Sheriffs and PD heads, and how do these "sanctuaries" make that work anyways? You're right, something would have to go to the Supreme Court, as is the Constitutional process, and judges would ideally make unbiased decisions based on their interpretation of the Constitution, which as we have seen (no matter how clear it is to you) is open to a lot of varied interpretation. 

    However, here's hoping we as American's find ways to shape this working document that we know as the  Constitution of the United States to provide the freedoms and protections that our great country was founded. 

  16. 8 minutes ago, Don_C said:

    Are immigration Sanctuaries legal or constitutional? They are doing it though, in clear violation of federal laws.  What I think is important is that we are beginning to attack these people with their own tactics. 


    I'm not questioning whether they are legal, but legally viable? Is there anything "enforceable" about them? In other words, lets say that a county adopts "sanctuary" status, and then elect a sheriff or municipal law enforcement leader who goes against the sanctuary policies, are they breaking the law? Obviously, state law supersedes any local or county laws, so there's no protections for violations. It seems to me that these are just a way for supporters to voice their support, and political red meat for politicians looking for an easy check mark.

    The Immigration Sanctuary Cities are a whole different bag of fruit, a lot of the work that federal agencies do are dependent on cooperation with local agencies. To the same point though, are there legal ramifications against say a social services agency who chooses to cooperate with federal authorities, I don't think there are...I think it's still just a statement.

    It seems to me that more would be done by campaigning for elected officials who would protect rights rather than just having balloted statement, whether it be 2nd Amendment or Immigration Sanctuaries. Again, I'm not shaming anyone for getting behind it, you support what you support, and that is your business, I still just don't understand the point. 

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