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Posts posted by Deleted Account

  1. 6 minutes ago, ApexerER said:

    I'll bite. Now this being said, I don't pay a whole lot of attention to other Senators or out of State Governors so my familiarity with them isn't a lot. So there may be others more in line to may way of thinking but if there are, I am not aware of any of them. 

    If I had to pick a Democrat to be our President it would be Senator Machin from West Virginia. I actually used to have a lot of respect for him because, IMO he used to vote with common sense and break from party lines when necessary. That respect has waned somewhat the last few years when I believe he has caved to Nance Pelosi and pressure from the Democratic party. But I think we could do worse than him and if he were president I would hope he would do what is right as opposed to following the way left leaning tendencies his party has become in the last 10-15 years. 

    Had he run against Romney, I would have had to seriously think about who I voted for assuming I liked what he said, and he agenda when he was running. 


    Since I live around the corner, when do you want to grab that beer so I can turn you red.....lol

    Anytime :) I'm planning on going to the Sportsman Auction at Talk of the Town in Ballston Spa on Thursday. I might not be able to afford to buy anything, but it's a lot of fun to guess what stuff will go for. There's a few decent guns there this month. 


    And I'll never go red, if anything out of pure stubbornness :)

  2. So, hypothetical question. I've been thinking about, if I had to choose someone to get behind for a Republican President, with myself being a registered Democrat, which current political figure would it be? This also got me thinking about which Democrat would Republican's be okay with. Now, I don't mean that you would be putting up yard signs for them, or even voting for them, but which current member of the "other" party would you be okay with?

    For me, I would would say Phil Scott, Republican Governor of Vermont. I don't agree with all of his positions, but he seems to come at everything with an open mind and a logical decision making process. I know that Vermont is a small state, but he has done a good job of working across the aisle. Now, I'm not an expert, and there are a lot of things I may be missing in this, but from what I have heard, I would be okay with him or a leader like him.

    Who would it be for you? I don't mean for this to turn into a "I could never support a Democrat/Republican" or "I just hate (insert name here)". I'm really just curious about what ties we all might have across party lines. Lord knows we all do enough bickering and complaining, it would be nice to think about what we might have in common. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, squirrelwhisperer said:

    I wish I never saw this. Now I need one! I'm still singing Guy on a Buffalo BTW. Thanks Lee. :whistle:

    You can't beat "Guy on a Buffalo" :) Literally, you can't beat him, he'll trample you to death.

    • Haha 1
  4. Has anyone every heard of Cheif AJ and his sling bows? Back when I was in Illinois, there was a guy, really a character, named Cheif AJ from Tuscola who started making these sling bows. My dad used to take 10/22's over to him when he was modding them, back before the sling bow era. Anyways, for some reason this popped into my mind last night, and I fell into a rabbit hole of watching his videos. Pretty cool little hunting implement, and they are actually harvesting animals with them. Just wanted to share.


    • Like 1
  5. On 2/23/2020 at 8:43 PM, ncountry said:

    Terry Brooks was my 1st fantasy book author. Since then I've read a # of different authors works. Even went back and read the Tolkien series that somehow I had missed.just finished this group up over christmas vacation...I dont read like I did in the past.(maybe  1/2 dozen a year now)

    In the past I read a little bit of everything. I mean I read everything .lol.. everything Michener,Herbert, Koontz, L'Amour, Brooks,Goodkind,Cussler,Weis and Hickman, Clancy,Jordan,Azimov....I'm sure I forgot some but dang I see why I stayed away from drugs . Once I start one I have to read them all..


    Nevermind, I read Terry Brooks as Terry Pratchett. My reply was irrelevant :)

    • Like 1
  6. I'm actually listening to the "American Gods" audiobook by Neil Gaiman . I read it the first time, and wanted to check out the narrated version. So far I'm enjoying the George Guidall narration.

    Kobo had a sale on some good historical fiction, so I started "The Wolf of Wessex"  by Matthew Harffy, last night. I'm about 20% in, and am really enjoying it.


  7. If you have any interest in country music history, you have to check out Cocaine and Rhinestones. It's done by Tyler Mahan Coe, David Allan Coe's son, and this guy puts the work into digging up some amazing stories. Not your normal "artist interview" podcast, it really dives deep into some obscure parts of country music history. I highly recommend it.

    • Like 2
  8. On 2/20/2020 at 10:24 PM, Splitear_Leland said:

    Not to mention that this is one of the ways that Russia interfered in 2016, using fake social media accounts and troll farms to disseminate false and misleading information.

    I just saw a story that National Intelligence officials have told Congress that Russia is already attempting to interfere in 2020, with one goal being to help Donald Trump.


    I just wanted to follow-up on my comment from the other day. I just read new reporting that contradicts the article I shared. According to this report, Donald Trump's reelection may not be a goal of current election interference. 

    I'm sure this will open a can of worms, but I don't want to knowingly be a hub for misinformation.


    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    I agree the government could do better than what we currently have. By getting their hands out of it and allowing capitalism to work. Like most everything in the US especially college and healthcare one reason the government started getting involved it’s completely went to shit.

    Prove me wrong?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I cannot prove you wrong. Like I said, I don't have a solution to offer. All I know is that when people can't afford simple but necessary drugs like insulin, but CEO's of the companies producing the product are getting disgustingly rich off of the product, there is something fundamentally wrong. Maybe it's government interference, maybe it's pure greed, maybe both, maybe it's neither, I don't know.

    However, we spend billions of dollars on defense to protect Americans and American "interests", but our people run a far greater risk of going bankrupt due to healthcare costs than they do being a victim of let's say a terrorist attack. I guess that may tie back into people making money though, I'm sure that someone is making a lot money off of defense spending, and we know darn well that it isn't the men and women who risk their lives for Freedom. But again, I don't know enough to offer any type of solution, so I guess I'm just complaining :)

  10. 2 hours ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    The question I have is has the Democratic Party really moved that far left as a whole or is it just the old squeaky wheel thing and the farthest left have the loudest voice and the rest of the party caters to them?

    I don’t know a single person that thinks gov healthcare is a good thing?

    I don’t know a single person that wants illegals to come and go as they please?

    I font know anyone that thinks babies should be aborted while hanging half out.

    There’s many other topics as well but my point is I honestly don’t think the average democrat is as far left as these imbeciles and the left wing media make them out to be.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I resemble every one of those remarks. I think the government can do a better job of helping with healthcare costs, but I'm not smart enough to offer a clear solution. I think basic human services is where capitalism fails though, when the dollar is worth more than human life or human dignity, it's time to make some changes.

  11. 1 hour ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

    It doesn’t have them, and you won’t fall upside down. You’ll end up facing the tree. And you can use your pockets, your hood, change layers etc. you will never go back to a vest or harness. You may miss having rain run down your tether and into your underpants, I’m not sure what you’re into

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    Thanks for the advice, I think this makes up my mind :)

    • Like 1
  12. I'll be in the market for a new tree harness soon, and am looking for recommendations. I plan on using a climber, and all I ever used was the old one that came with the Summit climbers 10 years ago or so. That one never made the move from Illinois, so I'm looking for a replacement, I'm sure there are better/easier to use harnesses out there. Any recommendations?

  13. I don't see why it wouldn't be legal, unless it is doesn't meet the size requirements. It must be at least 7/8th inch at the widest part, if I'm researching correctly. It doesn't look barbed. 

    • Like 2
  14. On 2/3/2020 at 9:40 AM, Splitear_Leland said:

    I started a new series last night (The Powder Mage Trilogy). Book one is "Promise of Blood", it seems interesting, but I'm not too far into it yet. It's a new sub-genre for me, "Flintlock Fantasy". 


    Finished this guy last night. Not bad, but not awesome. I'm not sure I'll finish the trilogy, I just didn't ever care enough about the characters. Not a bad read, and it had a cool connection with firearms and sorcery, something different that the "swords and spells" of regular fantasy stuff. 

    I'm starting to re-read American Gods by Neil Gaiman, one of my favorite novels by one of my favorite authors. 



    • Thanks 1
  15. 7 minutes ago, crappyice said:

    Thank you gentleman for offering a prime example of our political climate right now. Arguing for arguing sake where the result of said argument are irrelevant. And even if both of you are reasonably intelligent neither can accept learning something from the other. Sounds like the State of the Union address where Dems can’t applaud for clearly Trump “wins” that even supports Dem ideals.
    Anyone want to offer a definition of “implode” that we can not agree upon?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That's a fair assessment, I'll give you that. However, I realize I got fired up, and we have handled it on the side. I'll be the first to invite everyone to the flag pole at 3:00 :) I'm joking, I'll admit I got wrapped up in things, and look pretty foolish because of it. It's not the first time it's happened, and it would be safe to bet that it won't be the last :) 

    • Like 3
  16. 4 minutes ago, Rattler said:

    Damn, I'm out of "likes" again.  But you are correct there.  So here goes.....  LOL!!

    Maybe because of my age I prefer original meanings of words to modern day perversions. 

    Why is not wanting to know ignorant?  To ignore truth is ignorant.


    1325–75; Middle English ignora(u)nt < Latin ignōrant- (stem of ignōrāns), present participle of ignōrāre to ignore

    Come on Rattler, you're stretching so much on that one I feel like I'm watching a yoga class :)

    From Webster's: 

    Definition of ignorance


    : the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness
  17. 19 minutes ago, Rattler said:

    Taking the definition of the word out of the context of the sentence it was used in would serve no purpose, as it relates to the idea of knowing truth, not it's general definition.

    I didn't suggest an argument.  I proposed a civil debate.  Intellectual in nature.  You may not realize it, but you have devolved into ad hominem attacks here, which seems to indicate you have noting of substance to offer which would refute my prior claims.  I'm disappointed.

    Anyway, this isn't where the debate should take place, as this thread would be derailed.  Feel free to PM me and we can hopefully have a civil go round that will inevitably go on for some time with no change of mind likely.

    You know what, upon further reflection, I want to clarify my reference to the famous Twain quote. I do not think you are an idiot, you have shown yourself on many occasions to be at least researched and logical in your posts, even though I do not agree with them.

    However, I do stand by my referenced quote in regards to arguing the established definition of a word like ignorance. It's such a small thing, that really has nothing to do with the original post, but goodness gracious, you will debate anything :)

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