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Posts posted by Deleted Account

  1. 2 minutes ago, mowin said:

    Never heard of this auction

    It's every month?  Surprised they have enough inventory for a every month auction. 

    I'm sure it's most if not all consignment stuff. They do have it every month. This month didn't have as much variety as most months, but I'm sure it just depends on what they get in.


    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Rattler said:


    Rattler, you spent a lot of time and energy tearing down opposing viewpoints. I'm sure your points make a lot of sense in your head, and maybe even with like minded folks. 

    However, as a leftist, I can tell you that your points, no matter how well thought through, are incorrect.

    I am what you call a leftist, and I love my country, I love my countrymen, I appreciate the earth that I live on, I respect all living things. I believe that everyone should stand on their own merit, but I also recognize that not everyone starts from the same number in life, and like it or not, race and gender, and even physical location do affect your starting position. However, I still think everyone has a shot at overcoming these things, but I also think that we all benefit from their success, so I'm all for leveling the playing field.

    Now, I don't claim to have any answers, and the answers I do have, even though I'm partial to them, probably suck. However, it doesn't change the fact that I want what is best for myself, my family, my country, my countrymen, and my planet. If you don't believe me in this, that is a chasm of your own making.

    We obviously don't agree on a lot, but I'm okay with that, unless it's grammar :) I do enjoy reading your opinions, even if I don't agree with them, it makes me think more deeply about my own, and I appreciate you for that.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, sbuff said:

    I've been wanting to go to one of them but kids sports have been winning it over . How have the asking prices been ?

    Since it's an auction, they don't list any asking prices, and I haven't seen anything with a reserve price. It really depends, I've only been twice, but some things go a little cheap, most go for about right, and some things go for way more than I would imagine. I like pocket knives, and it seems like the cheap knives go for way more than their worth (a $5 knife will sell for $15-20) and the good knives go for cheap. There is a lot of military items, and I don't know enough about that stuff to say what's what, but it seems like there are at least a few guys there who know their stuff.

  4. 9 minutes ago, regulat0r said:


    I just got a new (used) bow but don't intend on getting rid of my old High Country. I killed a lot of deer with that bow, and I know I could take it to the woods tomorrow and have no issues.

    The better question for me is why did I "upgrade" and I have no good answer for that, but I don't regret it :)

    • Like 1
  5. Met up with ApexerEr tonight at the Talk of the Town Sportsman Auction. Super good dude, it was really nice to meet a forum member outside of the ole internet. I won't divulge Apexer's purchase, but I was able to pick up some .22 shorts (squirrel ammo) and an old (pre-1921) Remington 12a (I've always wanted one). Overall a really good night.

    If anyone is in the B-Spa area, they do this auction on the 4th Thursday of every month. Hit me up if you're going so maybe I can meet some more internet aquaintances.


    • Like 6
  6. 49 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    For future reference when attempting to prove someone wrong using a singular personal experience is very ineffective.

    Until then carry on spreading your BS . And I’ll keep using facts to gather my opinion, have a good night.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I didn't see many facts with your argument, just a blanket comment and a " prove me wrong".  However, I appreciate the feedback, I'll take it to heart :)

    Take care!

    • Like 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    There isn’t argument. When women and people of color make less by choice or by life choices that has nothing to do with the government.

    Yes women make less than men. They also on average put more emphasis on family life than career. Again not a government issue.

    Once again prove me wrong?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Also, your generalzation that women make less because they are more family focused is false, at least on the singular level. My wife has always and continues to work as many hours as her male counterparts, and is a damn good vet. We share responsibilities at home, but she still wipes the floor with me when it comes to responsibility. However, the husband of her current practice owner suggested they pay a male new hire more than her because "they needed a male doctor in the practice." They did end up hiring him, not for more money, but he was out the door in 6 months when he caved to pressure in an emergency situation and blew up at the staff.

  8. Okay, let's look at a single industry, Veterinary Medicine, then, one that is personal for me since my wife is Veterinarian.

    According to the AVMA, male veterinary starting salaries are 3% higher than females. They continue to say that the gap continues to grow as they progress through their careers. This doesn't quite make sense, since females make up a majority of the veterinarians in the country. However, nearly 70% of practice owners are male, and these are generally the folks making job offers. I have experienced this personally when I attended an Capital Region AVMA event with her once, for the free beer and food :), and had half a dozen male practice owners approach me to inquire about where I was working, and what my background was. When I would introduce my wife as the Doctor, the conversation was essentially over. She has since moved to a woman owned practice, and has been treated much better than her previous practice. Regardless, the data is there to support a gender wage gap in this industry. You are trying to argue that she should just negotiate a better salary, or turn down jobs that show disparity, but there is no way to estimate disparity in a singular level, and bargaining power for a new vet is virtually non existent in a fairly saturated career field. So, if a male practice owners values a new male vet more than a female, with a basis specifically on gender preference, there's where the problem lies. 

    To your point of the government not being involved, I can't argue that one, I don't have enough information and am not smart enough to offer a reasonable solution, so I can't really go into the weeds. 


  9. 10 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    Bullshit, without that flag none of that means anything. That flag should be the first thing on any of their minds. The fact that it’s not is the exact reason why I refuse to vote for or support in anyway any of the candidates from my party.

    Side note wage inequality is a farce, prove me wrong!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You're certainly entitled to your own passionate opinion. I agree, the flag is a great representative of our country, and do respect it as a symbol of those who have fought and died for what it stands for. However, I didn't watch the debate, and the fact that there was no flag on a stage that was decorated with a patriotic theme, really doesn't bother me too much. I might be wrong in your eyes, but that's your issue, not mine. 

    On Wage Inequality, there's plenty of research out there to support this. You can argue the validity of the  causes of it, which I'm assuming is where your argument lies, but it doesn't change the fact that on average women and people of color earn less than their white male counterparts. 

  10. 31 minutes ago, squirrelwhisperer said:

    How it should be!

    Wage Inequality: You get paid what you're worth, not everybody makes the same. The guy who takes care of my pool is obviously valuable, but not as much as the doctor that addresses our health concerns 

    Healthcare: It sucks!! Obama ruined the healthcare. Drop Obamacare and go back to the way it was. You want healthcare, go work for it!

    Foreign Policy: This one is simple. Screw everyone else, America first!! Leave us alone or we make your country one big parking lot. 


    As far as the leftists are concerned, just because someone claims the ocean isn't salty, no matter how much he convinces the gullible, it doesn't change the facts. 

    Yes, but the big question is, how do you feel about having/not having flags on the debate stage :)

    I assume we both know we don't agree on your points, so no need for the ole go-around :) 

  11. 1 hour ago, blackbeltbill said:

    No-- not you Dan.  I actually have been raked over the coals much worse and am still around. Thick Skin, I guess from Decades in Warehouses and unloading Docks .  Been called everything in the book-- lol!  One kid used to call me - Easter Egg Head every morning.  Glad it was just him- lol!

    Now that is a nick-name :)

  12. 2 hours ago, Rattler said:

    Trump may act like a clown sometimes, but if asked he will tell you he loves America.  Ask any Democrat if they believe the US Flag should be present during their debates.  How many of them will say it should?

    It's not an issue of one person, it's systemic throughout the entire Democrat party.  You want them to be running America?


    You are really upset about this flag thing Rattler, I'm sorry this has hurt you so badly. I mean, I would wager a bet that the candidates don't arrive early and set up the stage, but I could be wrong. I'm also not sure that the lack of a flag on the stage is the most pressing issue facing someone wanting to become President. I mean, it is obviously a very big deal, but probably not enough to get above the questions of Wage Inequality, Healthcare, Foreign Policy, etc.

    To your point about Donald Trump acting like a clown but loving America, I'm sure he would say that he loves our country if asked, but I'm sure all of the Democratic candidates would say the same. Whether you believe them or not is your prerogative. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Rattler said:

    Also:  Did SNOPES fact check Biden's claim 150 million people have been killed by firearms since 2007?

    I can't find that they did, but a quick google search shows that he likely misspoke, and meant 150,000, you know, kind of like when Donald Trump told people to vote 8 days after the actual election. I've noticed that folks over 70 have mental lapses like that pretty often :) (I'm really just busting on you there Rattler, not serious at all).

  14. 2 minutes ago, Rattler said:

    Let me ask you a question.

    If Democrats won't have an American flag on the stage at their debates, why should anyone ever give them a vote to run America?


    If a person believes that they will be a better President that Donald Trump, then yes, they should vote for whoever they want. It's their business. 

    If you're trying to cast stones, should anyone vote for a person who acts like this during the National Anthem?


  15. 6 minutes ago, Rattler said:

    It's misdirection.  The photo may not be of the woman he beat, but does that mean he did not beat a woman or not get appointed to the high level DNC position?  No.  He did beat a woman and he did get the position.  SNOPES would have everyone think because the picture isn't the real victim, it's a false story.  The fact is nobody can use the photo of the real woman without her consent, which she won't give, for fear of getting an ass beating again.

    It's about Democrats and their values.  If one wants to deny Elison's situation, SNOPES will feed them the spin on the story to enable them to do it.

    Then why use a photo of anyone.

    I mean, look at it this way. I killed a really nice buck last year and just got the mount back! Does it matter that this isn't my buck? I mean, maybe I don't have a photo of my mount, so I just find another photo of a mounted buck to support my comment that I killed a nice buck and got the mount back. It's not misdirection, it's misleading, and really it's knowingly false.

    Again, I make no defense of abuse. I do condemn your post for it's alluding to abuse being attributed to a person's faith. I remain in awe of your ability to argue about anything :)



    • Like 2
  16. 15 minutes ago, Rattler said:

    Snopes is a joke.  Referring to them adds no credibility.





    As far as Elison goes, it's not an issue of his Islamist adherence.  It's an issue of Democrats putting him in a high level position in their party.  No one denies he beat that woman, even him.


    Thanks Rattler, I had no idea. I guess I'll put my faith back in Facebook memes :) Really, can you prove that Snopes is wrong on this one? I'm sure you can and will argue that it is, but proving it is a whole different can of worms. Snopes has some very good information, and provides some pretty well sourced evaluations of claims. Just because it doesn't support your meme addiction doesn't mean that it is unreliable. You've muddied the water, and none of the links that you shared do anything to show that Snopes is wrong about your shared meme. 

    Again, I make no defense for anyone who beats women, and I do understand that you're issue is with Democrats putting this person in a position of power. It also clearly calls a clear distinction of this persons personal faith, which is Muslim.

    Whether you like it or not, there is a huge amount of false and misleading information out there, you share a lot of it, and I'm sure I've provided my fair share. It's enough to make even the most gullible person look at things twice.

  17. On 2/25/2020 at 6:15 PM, Rattler said:




    Another misleading Facebook meme. He was accused of domestic abuse, and I by no means want to defend anyone who commits violence against a partner, there is not much that I find more despicable than violence against women. 

    However, this Facebook meme is incredibly misleading. The woman in the meme is not his ex-girlfriend or ex-wife. There are no photos related to the accusations, but this meme leads the reader to believe that this is the victim. Also, his accuser said that the accused abuse had nothing to do with Sharia Law or to have any religious basis. 

    Again, I'm not defending domestic abuse, and I do not have enough information to claim that accusations are true or false. I'm simply pointing out the misleading nature of this meme, and I do condemn it's attempt to generate fear based on individual religious beliefs.

    Scroll down in this article to see the mention of this meme, the first photo is yet another misleading photo related to this story.


    • Like 1
  18. 26 minutes ago, crappyice said:

    Thanks for Snopes.com...lately I’m feeling desperate for “real” information. Just tired of reading the left-est views than the right-est views and trying to figure out the truth...what’s your source of information these days

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Everything with a grain of salt, that's pretty much it :) Unfortunately this is the world we live in. 

  19. 22 minutes ago, Moho81 said:

    Did he really say raise taxes to people making over $29,000?

    I don’t follow politics closely but he’s always been about taxing the rich only. Of course I don’t believe him but would be interested to see if this was something he actually said because I think it would kill any chance he has.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    No, he did not say this. I'm neither for or against Bernie, but this is just an example of people sharing something they saw on Facebook that is false. I am so tired of misinformation, it is really defeating to see so many smart people posting flat out lies and non-truths. 


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  20. 37 minutes ago, ncountry said:

    I'm agnostic.. i dated a girl for years. Her father was a christian minister and was all over  putting hands on the children and wife , after all it was in the bible. His biggest issue with me was that I didnt put his daughter in her place... I dont think Muslims have a special corner on violence.

    "Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness I permit no woman to teach or have authority over a man; rather, she is to remain silent."
    1 Timothy 2: 11-12


    As theology professor Steven Tracy wrote in 2008:

    It is widely accepted by abuse experts (and validated by numerous studies) that evangelical men who sporadically attend church are more likely than men of any other religious group (and more likely than secular men) to assault their wives."

    Lots of very sexist parts of the Bible, the Old Testament especially. Even parts that call for some really messed up punishments and prejudice. Again, nothing wrong with being a Christian or Jewish, but there's no room for any religion to claim sole ownership of  the moral high ground.

    • Like 3
  21. 9 hours ago, squirrelwhisperer said:

    The unholy koran tells him to beat his wife/gf when she is disobedient. 

    (34) As for women of whom you fear rebellion, convince them, and leave them apart in beds, and beat them.

    Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7 nkjv

    The unholy koran also says to "kill the idolators, wherever they are found" Who are the idolators? Any non muslim.

    (9:5) Kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush.

    44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, Matthew 5:44 nkjv

    Religion of peace my ass!!

    Dems hate to bring this up because Obama was a muslim. Dems don't appreciate truth.

    End of rant

    Not that there is anything wrong with any religion, people can believe what they wish, it's their business. But please, provide factual evidence for your claim that President Obama was Muslim.

    • Haha 1
  22. My wife is really interested in getting a Peloton Bike. It seem's like a lot of money to me, but if it's something she'll use and be happy with, I'm not going to argue over it. Does anyone have a Peloton, and if so, how do you feel about your purchase?

  23. Just now, ApexerER said:

    That looks cool. I have never been to that or even knew it about it....Maybe I'll go....

    I went for the first time last month. They get a variety of stuff in, I picked up a nice little Case stockman and a Remington folder on the cheap. Gave the Remington to my buddy who went with me, and doubled my money on eBay with the Case :)

    My band is also playing at Vapor at the Saratoga Casino on Saturday, feel free to stop buy. I'll even bring you "band beer" from the green room :) 

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