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    new york
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  1. Now hopefully I'll find one then comes into bow range this year that's the hard part for me.:)
  2. There was nowhere to run it's all Open Fields around there from what I saw and they didn't know exactly where the shots were coming from either or you could probably do is just duck I guess.
  3. What happen to the guy who made wood sculptures ? Just wondering haven't been here for a while.
  4. Think about how many get a check from the gov thats why they win elections . If not for that most would not even vote . And things would be more even .
  5. Great idea for the big blue citys why not do this in LA Chicago and New York City and then make it so they cant leave because it's a medical emergency lol that everyone else in the country still has guns. Lol make them think twice about who they elect next time around . Hi left field
  6. Got this guy on cam in daylight. Think its a fox but the face and tail looks a little dog like kinda hybrid maybe ?
  7. Yes true but Usually with tree rats they at least will be shooting up and not at ground level still bad but less chance of hitting some one at close Lethal range. I have had bird shot pellets rain down on me from a distance Distant field thats scary enough on state land before .
  8. I think i heard the guy from meat eater say one time that more people are shot in turkey season then any other season of hunting becuase of the way you hunt turkey camo no blaze orange exsta . He even went on to say that has friends that've been shot in turkey season more than one.
  9. Maybe air rifles be ok but not powderburners i think thats over kill and to much of a Advantage. Just Thought I'd put that out there . I just have this image of someone on state land with a ruger 10/22 just spraying the mag out at the first sign of Movement in the brush in my head . And that is lot more Dangerous then turkey shot if u happen to get hit .
  10. Like i was saying in the other thread it really should be based on Ballistics these season before anything else but im good with just shotguns only for turkey .
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