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Everything posted by phantom
so you think that's not what's been happening for the past 4 years ? funny how all the mail in ballots are all biden votes but the guy can't get 5 people to show up when he comes out the basement . biden got more votes by blacks then Obama and Clinton how is that possible when trump also did better then any other republican president with blacks . this thing is going to the courts there is so much voter shifty shit going on its not even funny .
what happens if I put a group few thousands people that always vote democrat' in a place where most people vote independent what happens is those groups that vote in democratic blocks can keep a place blue for ever even when the place is run like shit Chicago for example elections normally should go independent or go 50/50 either way the way a real democracy should be know ? that's the point when you see places year after year ran like crap and still going blue all the time something is wrong and the votes are coming only from one part of the state year after year. That's the point
I agree in part except who is going to do that who gets to decide? that person will become like a king ? The guys in gov only do things for the people who pay them lobbyist or family just like everyone else on the earth human nature Money talks even if we had socialism or communism its the same thing the only difference is there are even fewer people with any money at all the government has it all already so they don't need to help anyone because you already gave them all the power guns army and all the money so basically unless you know someone in gov you get totally f over . They give you what they want and if you say anything against it they jail you for hate speech , why do you think shit from china is so cheap slave labor basically your idea of gov deciding who makes what is what they have in china don't think you would like it. BE CARFULL FOR WHAT YOU WISH FOR. in a free market you vote with your money . you are free to buy stuff or not you are free to work for what ever the market price is for your skills you are all so free if you don't like it to start your own company and pay your guys more and you less . the only real freedom is economic freedom and property rights with out that you have nothing .
you make no sense why would anyone start a business then ? do you work for free ? its to make money nothing wrong with that and in the process it creates more jobs for other people you think joe biden is helping you really the government is there for themselves it is worse then a business the difference is they have a army to force you to do what they want a privet business has to work for it to get your money the government can just steal it from you by force your don't see the difference ? so cnn nbc all owned by brilliance's tells you trump is the bad billionaire and there puppet biden is good and you eat it up . lol btw trumps on record since the 1980s talking about the dangers of these bad trade deals with other country's
apple to oranges (paid their fair share )I hope you know that's just a democratic talking point written by billionaire lawyers ironically . trump made his money in a private family business if he isn't paying lots of federal tax its because he is paying lots of other taxes, state tax or other loop holes in the tax code designed to help grow the economy make more jobs for people . biden on the other hand got his money selling out the US government to who ever paid him off including china do you not see the problem ? trumps privet business does not effect you are I except he created a whole lot of jobs for people . someone like biden on the other hand making money off government decisions effects all of us when biden lies and says china is not a threat because his son got millions from china that effects all of us when biden was in charge of trade dealings with china and gave them a free pass to sell their shit here and take jobs and steal ideas from this country that effects all of us do you not see the problem and the difference between him and trumps tax which does not effect you or I . you talk about trump and taxes when all the billionaire class backed biden and the democrat's spending billions in this election to take out trump they did that because they are going to pay more in tax right that's what you think LOL
See the problem is all the have nots think they are owed something, all a government really is is a bunch of guys that have a army to keep everyone else in control . That we have all of these goodies social benefits is nice but not what a free country is all about and those goodies can never be enough to live the way people want to live you can only help so many people before the system collapses and bankrupts the whole country that's what socialism and communisms does it makes everyone more poor not rich . AND NOTICE THE PEOPLE AT TOP DONT FALLOW THE LAWS THE REST OF US HAVE TO like Biden and his son hunter . the founding fathers wanted a constitutional republic to be one of limited powers under a rule of law, rather than an intrusive state aimed at redistributing income and wealth via the democratic process”.
seems like you have a few big city's versus rest of the country . Take a look at the election map by counties most the counties are red . https://www.google.com/search?q=red+blue+counties+map&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiXwKnyrursAhUEO98KHcAbCtYQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=red+blue++counties+&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyBAgAEB4yBggAEAUQHjoECAAQGDoGCAAQCBAeOgYIABAHEB46CAgAELEDEIMBOgoIABCxAxCDARBDOgQIABBDOggIABAHEAUQHjoICAAQCBAHEB5Q21JYwZMBYJinAWgAcAB4AYABlAGIAdkKkgEEMjAuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=omSjX5fnBYT2_AbAt6iwDQ&bih=754&biw=1536
I don't know who is going to win but I do know the way it has worked out so far bidens not going to have the votes in the other branches of government to do the far lefts bs but who knows could take weeks to know for sure trumps still in the game . joe biden has a 47 year track record of doing nothing anyway if he wins more then likely that's what he will do nothing but nap all day long .
yea and Jeffery Epstein really killed himself lol this close they will cheat or try to cheat who the hell is going to verify all those mail ins with no ID or dated post marks and god knows how many trump votes usps tossed in the trash . Yea you really think only democrats voted by mail ? . They started playing games with trump from before the election and never stopped , be honest even many democrat's know what's going on they just don't care because they hate the guy that much . biden the guy who does not come out the basement won legit lol the fool even said it by mistake last week that they were going to cheat, Freudian slip lol and then there is the censorship and manipulation by big tech and media he had to deal with and its still razor close if not for that we would have red wave not this .
There was NO blue wave!! so even if biden manages to steal the election with fake mail ins he will not have the votes in senate or congress to do the crazy crap the far left wants so either way its a win win . Not the end of the world this time at least either way . I still think trumps winning in the end . trumps going to scan every vote to see if its legit.