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Media Demo




Everything posted by phantom

  1. Does wallace and the media not have the internet that's from 3 years ago and they still play the racism card it is sad .
  2. yea he is full crap it is right on his website that he is for the green deal which is a code word for a new way for crooks in gov like bidens family to steal money from the government and make themselves some green money .
  3. He said he would to any group or something to that effect that was another BS question by wallace trump has denounced racism many times before since when did trump ever say he was for white supremacy ? That's just another example how the bias media messes with peoples minds gives the false impression that trump was for something he was not ever for . Why didn't wallace do the same to biden and ask biden if he condemns pedophilia because there is actually proof of that from biden then trump being a racist ,but nope they never ask those insulting type questions if its a democrat . The fix is in.
  4. vote the policy positions not the personality you want more government corruption and a crappy economy with less freedom vote biden you want freedom and a better economy vote trump.
  5. Trump most feel like a animal in a caged that's constantly being pocked at with a stick at this point the fake news will just not cover him fairly at all that's why he acted like that last night he new wallace was going to try and make biden look good and him bad if he didn't take control .
  6. my guess undecided voter means will vote trump but does not want to say it and the others will not vote at all .
  7. i don't know if that Is a good idea biden was lying his ass off and unlike trump media will not call him out on his lies so if trump just let him talk their are lots of people that would just listen to the fake news and believe bidens bs they are what causes trump to act that way they totally ignore his accomplishments and then exaggerate anything bad that happens and try and blame him for it like the china virus .
  8. It was a shit show for sure but trump kinda of won or you can't say he lost . Trump showed biden was just as much a jerk as they say trump is he did not look presidential at all and he had 47 years in politics to learn trump had only 4 and still did a better job . Trump got him to flip flop on the radical left and trump got him to loose his cool .Trump pointed out biden family's corruption that the media ignores trump pointed out that no law enforcement organization will support him . Trump pointed out that he has been getting illegally spied on and mess with since before he was president they never gave him a chance . Also trump by interrupting biden will make it almost impossible for the biased news media to edit the video in a way to make biden look good like they have been doing , That's why he did that trump knows all their tricks at this point .
  9. https://www.outdoorlife.com/30-06-springfield-best-cartridge-big-game-hunting/ good read about them both .
  10. to those that think trump is a ahole well think of it this way . The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  11. So do you think biden will crap his pants tonight during the debate i give him 30 mintutes before he asks for a bathroom break .. but then again they probably have him on drugs and with electronic ear piece to get instructions like a cyborg . trump asked for a drug test and inspection of his ears for electronic devices biden refused lol
  12. Here figure it out for yourself what states make it harder to get started in the gun and hunting sports are they red or blue not hard to figure it out , put them in charge and they are just going to make it worse . you want to stop crime you let cops do there job not hard to figure out taking guns from citizens has nothing to do with it . look what's been happing lately in no gun nyc for example cops are stopped from doing there jobs and shootings went up over 100% .
  13. and maybe you should spend more time following what is going on with politics if you are going to talk about it instead of grammar .You are on a hunting and gun site and are pushing for the side that's proven by there actions they are no friend to gun and hunting folks .
  14. that sucks I hope they at least keep making ammo
  15. does that get rid of all dna evidence ? I wonder how many crimes those have on them I definitely would toss them could be one of OJS missing knifes you got there .
  16. maybe if you sand off the made in china marks on them ..
  17. yea if Biden was younger I would not worry that much but him being one foot in the grave and his VP being a crazy san Francisco lib with no real experience that is a big problem . don't know why they didn't pick someone from the Midwest for VP just another slap in the face by the Dems to the folks in the middle of the country bad enough they sent all the jobs to china . Don't know why middle America would vote for him with a VP pick like that .
  18. I would go a little higher then that but not much more .
  19. stay calm? don't you mean stay alive LOL the guy has know business running for president at almost 80 years old .
  20. funny you mention that because there are news guys writing articles all over the internet and media that we should make a new constitution .
  21. once you take Judeo Christian principles from kids learning in schools you can pretty much trick people into anything. The government can say there are 1000 sexes or they can tell you they have the power to control the earths temperature and so on . Biden the other day said a black man was the first to invent the light bulb .
  22. yea she is half Indian as in from India and Indians don't even like her now what does that tell you .
  23. Does not matter if the far left has its way, you and the rest of us will be put in jail or worse just for being white and a male the way things are going .
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