hb, welcome to the site.. I agree with your experience and imput completely. Unless your plot is more than big enough for your deer pop. you are going to get some overgrazing issues and i also find the Whitetail Ins. products do the best job of getting things going in a hurry. Of course you do know we both have just opened up that tired old debate over premium plot seed vs. ag seed. Just warning you that the posts will be coming. When trying to combat this for our clients, we have had some good success with the WI Double Cross which as i'm sure you know is a mix of clover and brassicas. The brassicas sprout and grow very quickly and they offer a bit of a protection for the clover until it has a chance to get started. The first year you get to hunt the deadly combination of the two together and then the perrenial clover will provide the food for the next 4 or 5 yrs. If you really just want a small, honey hole, hunting plot that you know is going to get hammered, the only thing i try to do for clients is to use fast growing annuals and try to hold off as long in the late summer as possible to plant. They will grow fast and they will be very attractive from the get go so use different products for your primary bow stands and other forage thats more attractive after first frost, for your gun stands. I know this is not practical for every hunter but if you can do this it will help.