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Everything posted by dave6x6

  1. Maybe we are talking the same age of this deer but were using different terms. I say that because it's really not that unusual to see a 1.5 yr. old with 6 inch tines and yet you say that would be the biggest you've ever seen. That can't be possible so are you saying you have a yearling(like the first deer season he goes through), then he turns 2 and then becomes 3yrs old? If so then in my terms that would make him a 2.5 yr old. In other words 2.5yr. old deer are experiencing their third hunting season. Does that make any sence? I think this deer is going into his third hunting season..(2.5yrs old)
  2. Yea welcome to the forum. Boy that buck looks like he's been pumpin' some iron to impress the lady's. Quite a specimen..
  3. Nice photos and hope you get what you want come bow season. Do have to agree with Joe though.. Just a 2.5er..
  4. dave6x6


    Tryed a few different heads in the last 10 yrs. Mechanicals (spitfires) and replacables (Wasp sst and Rocket Arrowheads) but fell in love with the G-5 Montecs a few years back. Super strong head that can easily be sharpened and used over and over. They fly exactly like my field points. In my opinion you should be able to find a fixed blade or replacable that flies' like your field points if your bow is set up properly. I would like to try the Rage 2 someday and i probably would love it like most people who shoot them, but for now i'll stick to what works for me. Cummins mentioned the slick tricks and i've shot them and been very impressed. They are ultra sharp and well designed for a replacable. My buddy has put some serious damage on some deer using those heads and they also fly true to field points.
  5. Good stuff Z7.. First time hunting and your boy gets a shot at a doe. He wont sleep a wink tonight. Geno, sun up to sun down. ata boy. You'll be successful maybe even tom. Good luck
  6. Yea, back to the topic.. Shrink wraps work.. follow the directions, take your time, use a little finess and you'll be fine. It's really not very complicated.
  7. Boy you got that right. Bought my first pair of Mucks last yr. and hunted every day in them with a smile on my face. Woody elites are fantastic boots and don't think i'll ever switch. Also love my Danner pronghorns in 1000 gm. and Irish setter Mountain Claw 600's for hunts when i know i'll be on the move most of the day. Also can't say enough about heat packs. If you are not using them on those brutal days then your putting yourself through uneccessary pain and aggravation. They are worth their weight in gold..
  8. I like to call Dominoes. 30 minutes or less or it's free. I just leave him a scent-lok suit to put on before he wheels it out on the 4 wheeler.. LOL.. or if i have to fend for myself then i always pack power bars, cereal bars and sandwiches. Most days i hunt are all day ventures. Even if i'm just slipping out for a short sit i still make sure i have some food and drink. Never know how long your going to be in the woods if you shoot something and have to track and haul. Always head to the stand with the expectation that success is happening today.
  9. I've used these for at least three yrs. now and could not Love them more. Some of the advice is right on the money. You must lower them very slowly so they shrink at the same time all the way around the shaft. Thats why i dont believe a heat gun will work very well. You'll not get a very uniformed shrink. If your into fletching you own then they may not be for you but for the other 90% of the bow hunting community there is no reason to drop your arrows off at the bow shop and pick them up a week later when someone finally gets through with the other 30 guys ahead of you. You can literally do them in about 4 minutes even if your spike campin' for elk at 10,000 ft. I've tryed the Quikspins but have swithched to the Blazers and like them better. If you try them, you will love them too..
  10. Our camp is in 9p but i didn't even try this year. Got sick of loosing a pick. Took the two guaranteed 8h instead. G-man, i agree with your statements.. They treat does like Spotted Owls in that region for some reason.
  11. liwaterman, looks like a nice 3yr. old to me. 10 points with a spread thats clearly outside the ears and the beams look long as well. I'd say he's over 130 and if he's a good deer in your area then put the smack down on him..
  12. WNY I got the growth also . Anyone know whats up with this. Pretty sure we hunt in the same general neighborhood.
  13. So is this one a shooter or not?
  14. Kinda looks like it could be the same buck in both pics?? Could be a forker or a six if it's got brows. Does that camera always flash brighter on the second or third shot? Too bad that some wildgame cams don't exactly light up the night with their flash.
  15. lawdwaz, good lookin' pics. Love the yote up close and personal.. Looks like that buck has a bit of a kicker off the left g-3 ? Would this guy be on your hit list come bow season?
  16. Cam-o, nice pics.. Probably could have done without that first image but thanks for sharing. Your getting day and night pics of that same buck which is a good sign. Looks like he feels comfy in that area.
  17. dave6x6


    Enigma, welcome to the forum.. Real bummer especially given that your boys gave you that gift. Great looking mount by the way
  18. Bubba, He doesn't want to hunt near Canandaigua. There are no big deer anywhere around there!!
  19. nyantler.. +1... Doc, suits probably is not the right word to discribe these outfits. It certainly conjours up thoughts of being hot and oppressive. They come in every temp range and are made in synthetic materials as well as cotton blends. They are single layer materials that you can get no thicker than your favorite t-shirt. The concerns you raise are really a non-issue. Of course if it is 80 degrees out then you are going to be uncomfortable no matter what you wear. As far as the prices go, i think alot of people are exaggerating that issue quite a bit. They really are not that much more expensive than most quality outfits and they certainly are not as much as a good quality wool piece. And there is never, ever, any reason for anyone out there to pay full price for any hunting gear. (unless something wears out or breaks in the middle of the season) With a bit of effort you can get top quality gear at greatly reduced prices by shopping off season or through places like the bargain cave. So thats not an issue either.
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