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About Marti375

  • Birthday November 25

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  • Gender
  • Location
    saratoga ny

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Upstate NY
  • Hunting Gun
    CVA frontier carbine, S&W 357
  • Bow
    bow tech destroyer
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Last year was the first time in many years I carried a regular rifle with a scope and missed. This year back to the muzzy with open sights and nailed him. Started using the muzzy during regular season in southern zone when it was mostly non rifle. Could shoot farther and more accurate than a shot gun. I would not recommend leaving it in your garage in fear of condensation. I have alway brought mine in side and have never had a problem.
  2. Ok, so most butchers these days a specialty shops that use everything, They would throw it out or give it away back in the day. That manteca stuff is processed garbage. For you guys looking for recipes pork fat is great to grind up with venison for sausage and burgers. Me, i'm to lazy for that. I just like to fry my steaks in it. I did manage to get about 4 pounds of trimmings from Price Chopper. Made enough for now, as you can see got a whole load of cracklings.
  3. There is an amish community not far from me. Sounds like a good idea thanks.
  4. I am looking to buy pure (pork fat) lard. I can't find it in stores and and no butcher around me will sell it. Any ideas let me know. Thanks.
  5. Caltech 158 gr8 sjsp for the most part, I do.load a round of corbon 200gr hc for bear. The carbons are accurate but very pricey.
  6. I think it was the right thing to do but the wrong way to go about it. If you call the local athourities they will put it down or even let you put it down. This will avoid legal issuies if caught or turned in by neighbors that don't agree.
  7. It all comes down to what you want, what your hunting, and how you hunt. I,ve had a hand gun permit for over 20 years. I have owned many diferent guns auto loaders, single shots, and revolvers. I hunt mostly deer and don't often sit for long periods. I found that a scope and or a heavier gun is no good for me if i'm walking and need to shoot off hand. The only hand gun I take with me now is a s&w 686 6 shot .357. Sitting I have no problem dropping a deer a 100 yrds. Off hand I'm good to 50 yrds and they usually drop in there tracks if you hit them where your supposed to.
  8. Your going to need something bigger than 4" screws. Buy some ice anchors, there cheap enough. Then just use some small diameter rope to tie it off.
  9. I love to hunt but when im sitting in a tree freezing, all I think about is a nice warm shanty, a beer, and a Flaaaaag!!!!!!.
  10. I haven't seen a deer check point since I was a teenager. I do remember the state police working with dec. All dec had to know is that you were a hunter and they would search your vehicle. The state police would accompany dec and arrest you for any violations that dec couldn't. They were never nice and polite. I recall one time they had gone through the motor home I was in like it was crack house and we were all criminals.
  11. Never had much luck with a gps, no signal, batteries die, etc. I just use my good old common sense and some orange ribbon to mark my why. Make sure you have a nice warm bag.
  12. Is it just me or does it seem like the only ammo you can't find is the one you need. Actually took a ride to gander mt., they seemed to have a decent amount of amo but nothing i need .357 & 308.
  13. Thanks guys, I did order a mag spark off ebay. Still going to keep an eye out for an orginal.
  14. I'll take you hunting, just don't ask me to hold your hand.
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