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About Guides ForHire

  • Birthday 12/02/1959

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  • Hunting Location
    born and raised 5F, hunt all over.
  • Hunting Gun
    flintlock fowler in 62
  • Bow
    my own make recurve longbows, and few bought compounds
  • HuntingNY.com
    searching for the old ny-outdoors.com site.

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  1. those are great! the angles are what makes them really nice, well set up, are those the pelican box type cameras with homemade boards and all that?
  2. There is a post the brought up basements...I will type slower for you. there is a reason an animal shot in the arse ( that means its BUTT, there Dutchess) is called a TEXAS NECKSHOT....texans cant shoot any better than some basement owners can. and for further proof than the waddies scattgunning squirrels, watch any Longhorn player free throw! wanna argue, have at it kid, I have my CAPS LOCK button right here....feb 29th that will be in Italics...
  3. i have . ive never said anything I havent said to a mans face first. starting Feb 29th all sarcasm will be in italics for the benefit of slow shooters.
  4. nope. ...long as people insist on calling utica "upstate" I'm sticking with ALL TEXANS who do NOT have basements cant shoot for crap. and that tv show proves it. ..which was an observation, not a question, sirhan sirhan was a texan>?? he almsot missed from something like 5 feet.... based on how the texas squirrel artillery brigade did I think it proves that Oswald was a patsy, he never fired a shot, and JFK was in Texas mere minutes and took his own life, and he got off three shots...
  5. or throwing a football, frisbee or golfing, all are instinctive aiming and ballistics, you throw a football to oyur kid at 30 feet you dont suddenly need a sight to tell you how to reach him now at 60 feet, the more you throw anything, frisbee, golfball, basketball, football, arrow, the mroe it becomes a muscle memory thing and is all intuitive. the only time good instinctive arhcers have trouble i have found is on the bowfishing boats, the deep fish "look" to be a certain distance and your mind doesnt compute the refraction of light which makes the fish look higher in the water, so for those who dont aim, and simply LOOK and release, they miss a lot of fish high unless they are near the surface. for deep fish, anythin more than a foot down, try drawing three under and sight down the arrow and HOLD/ AIM at below the fishes belly. anyway, a bow is a great thing for a kid! good on you!
  6. I dont care about it for hunting but on many lakes and ponds and RIVERS this shuts the whole waterway down for bowfishing because some anti has a camp or in one case a SHED on the shore, now you're looking at a semi circle of that pond taking up three football fields of shoreline that we cant legally shoot a carp along. its not right. 500 foot rules should never be allowed to extend BEYOND the property boundary of the person bitching. like Vermont does with SAFETY ZONES, the original way antis would post their property boundary with safety zone signs, legal zones where no hutning or discharge of any kind can happen within 500 feet, it was QUICKLY realized they were shutting down hunting hundreds of yards BEYOND their own properties, so now its 500 feet of the BUILDING or to their property line, whichever is less. That's how NY should be, you shouldnt be able to effect someone fishing 150 yards out in front of your home or camp or SHED simply because you are against bows and shooting non native invasive fish.
  7. got a pm from a fella think i insulted him by implying if you use a shotgun for sitting game, such as squirrels at 25 yards you are a bad shot and probably are texan.. I did not wish to insult anyone that is a bad shot and uses a shotgun.
  8. vermont and maine, not sure which one that is, i only ever drew two bull tags here in teh US East, rest were cows and i used the flintlocks, others were in canada and no handguns there, real pain in the butt, that pike was my 8 year old great nephews first pike with a 22 magnum last day of the season last hour of legal time, kid missed untold hundreds before getting that one. its harder than it seems it would be. we target barely legal fish the big spawners are passed over, plus i love pike on the fly too much to shoot a 50 incher with a gun we have fish shooting seasons here for pike and pickerel, march 25th to may 25th i think? something like that.spears and guns only, no bows or spearfishing.
  9. I think that billboard is more a response to the screwed up "fast and furious" gun walk the ATF lost. i worked in columbia and mexico for over 3 years, MS13 was trained and armed by US forces, this is documented, as are many other narco groups in central america, be it afghanistan or el salvador, when you encounter us weapons and tactics its because we trained them! I have no problem with mexico asking the us to do something about the us weapons in their country, but what has ever been done about the central and south american drugs that end up in the USA? control your drugs we will control the guns, you go first. since most if not all drug money ends up being used against the USA in one form or another the first thing we need to do is make it part of the patriot act that anyone convicted of drug possession goes one way to gitmo, no questions, they are helping terrorists by supplying them with cash, so you get busted for narcotics and convicted you go to the same place the taliban and al qaeda boys go.
  10. super! bee watching for them, all canadas, they never left the hudson , tens of thousands of them been around all winter pretty much. havent seen any snows but will be ready
  11. and vice versa, a tall hunter with his knees up in the air around his ears wont be worth a hoot after 20 minutes either. Our ladders are labeled left right hand and height so I can tell immediately where and what stand a certain hunter will be able to use comfortably and for long times, also the 2 man ladders with FULL flooring are often taller seats and are more solid, important for hunters who do not like heights, I would suggest calling some guides and hunters in your area and asking them to try their stands out. Best way to see if it fits is test drive them.
  12. Bingo. worst thing to ever happen to real hunters right after outdoor channels.
  13. frickin Texans cant shoot to save their butts, thats how. stopped by a friends place and he is one of these types that loves the outdoot tv shows, the one he had on was Killin and Grillin from east texas, these yahoos are using 12 gauges to hunt squirrels, which ahs its place if you are 90, blind and they are running and jumping limb to limb or someone is throwing them out of planes as they buzz by you. not only are they such lousy shots to use shotguns but they are shooting sitting squirrels with them and often it is boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and the squirrel is now on the ground and running. I couldnt take much of it and headed on the way, wiser for the experience and secure in the knowledge that we didnt hold the Alamo for the simple reason the southern boys cant shoot to save their butts.
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