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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Hey Steve, I notice you didn't even try to address one other thing I wrote in that post. How come? No retort to any of the rest of it? I read, and understood perfectly what you said in your prior post, and then responded. You accused me of not reading what you posted. I never said anyone should be able to buy any weapon they wanted, nor did I say they couldn't be checked and approved or denied. If you read what I posted you either didn't have a response, or chose to resort to more mindless accusations of extremism rather than defend your position. It's easy to understand why you can't see what has happened to the 2nd Amendment rights of American citizens. Like my posts, you may have read the amendment, but either don't understand it, believe it should be restricted, or do not agree with it. I have read many of your posts that agree with lots of infringements on various 2nd Amendment rights that Americans freely exercised just 50 years ago without any issues. But I guess the words don't mean what they did just a half a century ago, do they? Maybe the whole Bill of Rights no longer means what it did 50 years ago. Maybe the entire US Constitution should be ignored today too. It's not gun owners that this country needs to fear in the 21st Century. It's people of zeal, maybe well meaning, but without understanding, who believe insidious encroachment on our freedom and rights, is justified. Why do they do that? Because they are scared and think giving up some rights will buy them safety and security. They are wrong. Dead wrong! They are the people that will bring anarchy to America, not those who believe in freedom and what the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights protects.
  2. Too funny!! So do you think civilians should be allowed anti-aircraft weapons, missiles, nuclear weapons, etc. to fight off a modern day military force?? You can keep dreaming I guess. I have said it before and will say it again that things said, believed and written 200+ years ago don't exactly apply in the same context today. Whether you want to accept it or not, the 2nd amendment is one of these things that does not apply in the same context today. NO bloody way that it would have been written the way it was, if the type of weapons available today were available back then. You can take the most conservative minds out there today, and I guarantee you that they would not write a document to allow civilians to possess the same weaponry as a modern day military force. I love anti 2nd Amendment responses like this. Extreme to the point of ridiculous. : First of all, the 2nd Amendment has no provision for less civilian gun rights as the centuries pass by. Second, people of wealth are already allowed to own (or more precisely impossible to ban) any of the weapons mentioned already, if they have been crafty enough to buy and rule their own country. Are you aware how many countries like that exist in the world currently? How about allowing American citizens to own any shoulder fired rifle or shotgun they want, as well as handguns and magazines of any capacity? Would that be too funny? It seems some people are happy with a right to own just hunting rifles and shotguns. Thankfully, there are some people who realize that is not what the founding fathers had in mind when they put that amendment in the Bill of Rights, 2nd only to Freedom of Speech and Religion. Am I to believe those rights, along with all the others, do not apply in the same context today either? There are certainly enough Constitutional nay sayers who would have me believe that too. If the 2nd Amendment is no longer verbatim, neither are the rest of them!
  3. My condolences Ed. May the Good Lord watch over her and keep her happy forever.
  4. While I agree home defense is also a great reason to own guns, it is not the reason the 2nd Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights. It is true, most armed Americans would not be a match for a well trained and properly equipped military force. But that is because we have allowed our own government to make that our reality. Do you think the government doesn't have "civilian weapon inferiority" in mind every time they ban any type of weapon that might give us a fighting chance if we had to use them against a military out to kill us all? They don't seem to care if it's a foriegn enemy either, though I assume they would start taking all volunteers into the US military if it were. This is what happens when people think "reasonable" gun control has no drawback. Lock up criminals, don't criminalize citizens for owning an inanimate object of any type unless it is used unlawfully.
  5. You got that right, Doc! Most don't have enough stamina to walk the 150 yards to their tree stands either. They need an ATV to get to it! LOL It's true, that seems to be the case in NY state. But many other states, including the ones listed, have a much younger hunting and gun owning population, because kids there are raised to go hunting and their parents already go. These kids will also grow up to be better soldiers than city kids if they choose to join the military.
  6. The second amendment is all that stands between us and a total collapse of the United States of America. The world's largest army... America's hunters! I had never thought about this....A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin.Allow me to restate that number. Over the last several months, Wisconsin 's hunters became the eighth largest army in the world.More men under arms than in Iran.More than in France and Germany combined.These men deployed to the woods of a single American state to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed. That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan 's 700,000 hunters,all of whom have now returned home.Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world. The point?America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.Hunting -- it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security. That's why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed. Food for thought when next we consider gun control.
  7. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    I noticed that eye obit opening too. But all the bear skulls in the shop look just like that and that's where the ears are located on the head too. Lots of muscle in that spot to control the ears I guess.
  8. Here it is boys: http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Federal/Read.aspx?id=6576
  9. Right now the anti's are trying to push legislation that says handguns will only be legal if kept in the home. The law would not allow anyone to take them out of the home. If that law passed, how would you feel? The anti's come after gun rights one piece at a time. We have to fight these types of laws every single time. Any acceptance of any encroachment on gun rights is a huge mistake. We can't just be concerned with laws that only affect us, we must protest laws that affect all gun rights. To believe a gun owner should be arrested and prosecuted for violating any gun law that should never have been passed is a huge mistake for all gun owners. This is a situation where you have to decide which side of the gun control issue you are on. Either you stand with all gun owners, or you stand with the anti's. Think about how you would feel if you couldn't take your handgun into a neighboring state. Think about how you would feel if a cop arrested your buddy, on your property, for handling and shooting a handgun you just handed him to shoot. Think how you would feel if the cop then arrested you for an illegal transfer of a handgun to a non-resident? See where all of these laws eventually lead? And these are not fantasies. They have actually happened to various individuals in various states already. I'm not saying anyone should break the law, it's stupid to do so. I'm saying I'll stand with anyone arrested for violating a stupid law because it would be stupid not to.
  10. I never said I support breaking the law. I said I support repealing it. I also said I don't believe anyone should get screwed by a law that is stupid and serves no purpose except to harass handgun owners. You said you want them screwed by a stupid law just because it is the law. The anti's could pass so many stupid laws hitting on every single aspect of owning any gun or bullet that everyone of us could get screwed for even thinking about having a gun. This crap has got to stop, and it will only stop when all gun owners start to say ENOUGH! I support prosecuting criminals, not making criminals out of ordinary gun owners. This law must have had some support from NY gun owners in order to get passed. If you think this law should've been, or should be, supported by gun owners, you are playing right into the hands of the gun banners. I'm not aware of any organized opposition by any NY gun owners or group to this law. That tells me NY gun owners don't care about any other gun owners because this law doesn't affect them. Rather selfish and short sighted in my opinion. We must hang together or we all hang separately. Don't expect any support from non-residents of NY if NY gun owners find themselves under fire on their 2nd Amendment rights. It is an obvious divide and conquer strategy by the anti's and NY gun owners are proving they are capable of being used.
  11. What makes NY handgun owners look bad is a law in their state that demonizes a handgun as a weapon of evil. If you support this law or it's enforcement, that makes you look bad. Not the guy who gets screwed by it. It's a shame that some NY handgun owners support this law when it is totally useless in preventing any crime at all and serves only to oppress handgun owners.
  12. Then I'm sure you won't mind turning them all in when they make them illegal in NY. I'm sure you wouldn't want to look bad. It's coming. Don't think it ain't.
  13. NY residents just better not allow this law to remain on the books. Vote for a Gov. that will repeal it. Does anyone really think some poor gun owning schmuck, who never got so much as a parking ticket, and who didn't know about this oppressive piece of legislation, should be taken from his family and job and locked in prison for violating it? If you do, you really don't give a sheet about anyone's rights but your own.
  14. Who said ignore it? And you hope they get caught by a law that shouldn't exist to begin with. Wait till they pass a law that affects your 2nd Amendment rights and they come for you. I believe this law was put on the books with the specific intention of snagging as many, normally law abiding without malice aforethought, handgun owners as possible, allowing NY to convict you and remove your right to own any firearm, anywhere, after conviction. I don't care what anyone says, this law serves no purpose in crime reduction. Of course you have to obey it, but how many non-residents of NY really know NY has such a law on the books? And if you say they should know, you also must believe it's OK to make gun laws so convoluted that gun owners need to be a lawyer, or have one on retainer, to be able to own guns! What bothers me is, residents of NY allowed this law to get passed and have done nothing to protest it's passage and get it repealed.
  15. Anti-gun politicians are always posting bills with all kinds of restrictions on all kinds of firearms. They are trying to limit your right to own any firearm they do not feel you need for hunting. That's why we all need to also support the right to own any type of firearm we may not like, if it is something that others like and want to use. Otherwise we will not be free to own what we currently can own and will be restricted to a very limited 2nd Amendment freedom. Don't criminalize to possession of an object, severely prosecuted the crime committed.
  16. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    Here's the skull
  17. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    Got the rug and the skull back. All work done by Spring Valley Sportsman - 485 Spring Valley Road - outside of Delhi. (607) 746-7500
  18. His appeal seems to be regional, due to his style, mannerism and speak. I notice on some national hunting sites he is loved by folks in the Midwest, Northwest, Southwest and even parts of the South. He is originally from Detroit, so that explains the weirdness I think. Seems he rubs people in the Northeast the wrong way, and New Yorkers seem to dislike him the most as far as I can tell. Still, I am glad he is on our side, and love some of the debates he's had in the past with anti hunters and gun banners. The outdoors definitely gets him loopy, but I don't think that makes him a bad guy. Put him in an intellectual debate on the issues though, and you will find the man knows his facts and presents his case very well.
  19. Welcome aboard. Seems pretty much the same as every April 20th so far.
  20. Good Luck on Saturday!
  21. Looks like they are using a .50 cal case and probably opened it up to take a 20mm bullet. Lots of recoil I'm sure, but not as much as a 20mm cannon round that I thought they were talking about. There's no way anyone would be able to shoot that from a shoulder fired weapon......more than once anyway. ???
  22. Mr VJP

    NJ Bear

    Well what do you know, the taxidermist called and said the rug and skull are ready. Way ahead of schedule to their surprise. It measures 6 1/2 feet from nose to tail and they say it looks fantastic. I'll be picking it up Thursday 4/21/11. Pics will soon follow.
  23. Lots of memories with this soon to be rug too!
  24. This is my only mount. Many deer taken, but few with the memories this one has.
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