Very interesting to read all the responses. Now for the reason I posted in the first place. A few years ago I was checking my trail cam and stumbled on a very fresh, coyote killed, adult whitetail doe. I moved my trailcam to the site of the kill and started getting pics immediately after setting it up of the coyotes eating her. This went on for 4 or 5 days and then the turkey buzzards and crows moved in by droves. After the seventh day, the carcass was reduced to a bag of bones and hide. The critters had eaten every scrap of meat, all the entrails, even the gruel from the stomach. The coyotes, and likely other carnivores, were chewing on the bones because there was literally no meat left. BUT, lying right next to the carcass lay the liver, fully intact, untouched by even the buzzards. I was amazed that they wouldn't touch it. I have owned a slaughterhouse for almost 20 years and know what a bad liver looks like. This one had no spots; nothing stood out to me that was obviously wrong. I have never liked liver although some of the responses actually sound tempting to try. I love to tell this story to people who tell me they like liver.