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Everything posted by bubba

  1. not really if you took the time to go back and read what I typed in the first place not just pick out the parts you choose to use to attack. way before you told me to teach in class cuz no one does any of this anyway. Read first attack later.
  2. I very successfully hunted state land here until I got my own place
  3. apples and oranges but again just an excuse justify breaking the law. All I can say
  4. umm if your gun is unloaded, you are not hunting. The intent (Yup there is that word again) is with the loaded gun or an arrow nocked. Realistically the chances of getting a ticket are less than 50 percent in my opinion. However the chance is there. My simple point is why would you want to risk that chance. The line of I was coyote hunting is pretty lame and to say I leave my gun loaded in case of a bear. If you shoot the bear while walking out of the woods, you are hunting after legal hours. Are you going to claim self defense. Like I said earlier, it seems that people are just digging for an excuse to hunt after legal hours. Now good luck and happy hunting.
  5. correct because an unloaded gun means you are not hunting in the eyes of the law.
  6. ah haha spoken by the guy who had no clue you could not trespass to retrieve a deer. I bet your stands are on others property too. Really get a clue ok.
  7. Again go back and read. Doc put the exact law I am talking about in a post on this thread. Plus if you look in your hunting regulations guide, it is also in there. Do a little homework yourself rather than expect everyone else to do it all and copy off them. The real sad part is the majority of the posts on this thread were all about trying to find a way to get around the legal hours, some even admitting they do so. Says a lot about the mentality of MOST people who hunt. I am to the point that calling some of you hunters is a stretch. On that note have a great day and a productive season even if you have to bend the rules a bit to do so.
  8. yes as a jp I can arraign people who have been arrested. Maybe you better look up the meaning of arraign. Although, I am willing to bet you have been arrainged a few times. Law involved means I will call the law and file a trespass complaint. After they were arrested I could arraign them. I hope now that I have explained this at least twice if not three times, you finally get it. If not google it as I can only do so much to try to help you not look like a moron ok. Sorry
  9. yes I said that I would call the law file a complaint have them arrested on the spot same as you could. So sad people can not comprehend simple English. I am starting to think you like me a little too much following me around picking apart my posts. Sorry dude I am straight. Again I can only give the advice to read better, comprehend completely and stop posting things that are frankly making you look pretty ignorant.
  10. No I will go the other way, and make sure the deer do not get over there. And again if you read the original post, they were told next time the law will be called. The part I could not do was arraign them as I would be involved. So I guess since they posted and clearly marked the boundaries, because mine isn't posted? they have the right to trespass in your little world? I didn't blow anything, they did. They went out friday and spread manure all over the corn, and spent all day Saturday shooting in the field. That just means that the deer will visit my food plots and green fields that much more. So guess who is not going to see the deer as they shot themselves in the foot as that big field was all they have to hunt for the low low price of 25 hundred dollars for the fall only. So which advice should I take from you? Post it or let them hunt it? So far as I stated you have suggested both. According to the law, private property is just that regardless if it is posted or not. Just in case you did not know that. Now please feel free to spew more foolishness if you like. Personally I would not take advice from you unless you can prove to me you have a lot of land and let everyone on it to keep the peace. Until then, you have no clue, and never will. I did not post this for free advice, it was just to blow off some steam. Ml season is over and it is rifle season now. Trust me no deer will ever make it past the boundary if I decide to shoot it.
  11. Ask Doc I guess his life is so boring, he has nothing to do but reads the encon laws. But first go back and read all the posts, and your answer is there.
  12. would you if you were 50 yards from where they want to set up. Easy to say when you do not have land to manage. Sure seems to be the whole idea in this country now> I got a good education work hard have two jobs and buy some land. I also help out a neighbor and cut and stack his firewood every year. For that he allows me to hunt his property also. I guess I should open it up to the less fortunate entitled people. If you read my original post, it said I set up 100 yards from the boundary and no closer. I also said if they had asked, I would have let them set up inside the wood line on my property. THEY DIDNT ASK. THEY JUST DID IT. They want to set up 50 yards in from my line making them 50 yards from me. Good plan there huh. Maybe you hunt that way, but I prefer to be safe. Your last post said I have so much I should post it. The next says I should share. Do your answers vary with the day or are you just confused? I have plenty of people who hunt my land. I am not the only one on my property. I have invited people form this site to hunt. I guess that is not enough.
  13. I am not sure what world you live in, but JP can not give tickets. I have to call a law enforcement officer and make out a complaint about others if they break the law. I can issue an arrest warrant or search warrant based up the word of an officer. (affidavit) There is a big difference. A JP sits behind the bench and listens to the stories about how everyone in front of them is innocent. I read the law to them and I read the report form the officer. If the person in front of me so chooses, they can have a trial. Most times when you explain the laws, they decide to take their lumps. I also preside over small claims court and can perform weddings, which I would gladly do for anyone on this dote free of charge. I do my best to help out a fellow hunter. So I am bot sure where the thinking came form that I have it both ways, I have a feeling you are not bothering to read posts but just attack when you read the first line. Slow down read try to comprehend, then respond if necessary. There is a reason you have two ears and one mouth, so you listen twice as much as you speak. So all of you continue to interpret things the way you choose. Quite honestly I could not care less. When you get shook down, don't cry foul is all I can say. If you read the definition of hunting, and when after dark you are walking out of the woods, with a loaded gun and you bump a deer and it runs off, you are hunting according to the definition as you have harassed and worried the wild life. Better not get caught doing it by the officer who may be waiting for you when you get to your vehicle and the gun is loaded. GOOD LUCK to you all. I apologize for pointing out the obvious and seeing all who prefer not to play by the rules.
  14. yes you can. BTW growie DEAR. I had retrieval rights until this year for the past 10 years. The problem incurred when I did not let the new lessees put their stands 50 yards onto my property. I guess I should have made them tea and crumpets and apologized for not letting them trespass without permission. Or perhaps I should have help them put up their stands on MY property. I am thinking since this situation was REAL as opposed to some others I read on here, I guess it is not as easily fantasy fixed.
  15. yup as I told you counter part feel free to block me at any time and you will never see what I post will you. But I know neither if you can do that as you need to know all that is going on. Go ahead block me I dare you.
  16. so I guess I was right, you had and still have nothing intelligent to say? Seems with all the drama you seem to have, you would have the perfect solution for this situation. Maybe you and your buddy can google it and find out.
  17. do you have something intelligent to say or just clearing your throat? Must be clearing your throat as the second part is highly unlikely doc oops I mean grow.
  18. here we go again but that is not actually the law. The land owner has no right to tag that deer as he did not hunt the deer. He would be tagging a deer he basically found. The dec will go talk to the land owner and TRY to persuade him or her to let you go get the deer with them. If the land owner says no, the dec will get the deer and take it, or let it go to waste. There is nothing in the law that states the deer has to be returned to the shooter. Now this part is not the law, just a suggestion, but I would ask the landowner before it happened not after. But keep in mind any land owner can say yes today and rescind that permission tomorrow.
  19. And you guys think I am a bad instructor.
  20. no it is not the law. It is private property and regardless of the reason, you can not trespass The DEC can not make them give the deer back and they take it.
  21. why are you not surprised because new people leased the land and made sure they posted and made clear the boundaries, and they do not want to stay on their own side of the boundary? Please explain. They made the boundaries clear, so I have no need to.
  22. nope. i don't. I actually have 250 acres and a neighbors property of 200 more. But I am looking at different parts of the property to hunt> If he decided to lease me his, I would post all three properties. I doubt that will happen though.
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