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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I've been reading more and more news articles lately in which "assault" rifles are being considered such solely for being semi auto.


    I've also seen a few times that a bolt rifle is called a "long range sniper rifle" because it has a scope. 


    The anti crowd is refining their control of the narrative.

    that's the scary part....keep chipping away until it's gone.

    • Like 2
  2. how about we all get blood tests at the end of the year after we eat all our lead shot game and see what the numbers are? I know it would be a small sample, but it would be fun, maybe prizes for the highest and lowest levels.

  3. people at any store who make stupid comments to the 16 year old working the register about anything.....like that kid has any control over an item not being in the store or why there aren't more registers open, even worse when they turn around and try to engage me in that crap or look for my approval for what they just said.

  4. As a general rule : run 3/4"" main lines and T off that with 1/2" lines.

    This way when one fixture, say a shower is running and someone flushes the toilet , there is enough flow through the 3/4" line to supply both without a pressure drop in the shower.


  5. post-2073-0-21981400-1468156909_thumb.jp

    hopefully this is a better picture of how it currently runs, tub is to the right out of the picture and sink is about midway on the 2" line......that all runs into the elbow right under the toilet and it all drains pretty much straight down. I really would like to move it all to the right side of the room to hide it behind the shower stall, there is enough room in the rafters to give the toilet pipe enough pitch to still be hidden in the ceiling, or worse case I would drop the ceiling a few inches to gain what I need.

  6. you got it right, I want to eliminate that soffit and and move it to the opposite wall where it can be hidden behind a shower stall and not just sticking out into the room, but my concern was that would have the toilet on the totally opposite side of how the sink and and tub enter it now....unless I just recreate what is currently in existence......which honestly didn't look like the best option to me, but maybe it is?

  7. Should be tied in within 4 or 5ft of the crapper on the horizontal run to vent it propperly.

    Unless of course you left a separate vent stack out of that drawing.


    I've always been a fan of the "side outlet 90" on the closet flange to let the other fixtures give the entire line a "flush" when the crapper is not in use.

    the bathroom is only a 5' run, the only vent in the house is a single stack that runs up from the basement out of the main house trap.............have no idea if that's right, but been working for 50 years or so. My main concern is what you said, the way I was hoping to set it up was the sink and tub enter the drain after the toilet and not before. The way it is now they all  tie into the same 3" elbow under the toilet with a 2" adapter on the side where the sink and tub enter.


    sideways again..........

  8. Playing golf at bethpage black today. No carts allowed. Not sure what beer or how many ill be able to consume.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    well at least it's only 7:00 a.m. and you're already thinking about it.....plenty of time to get it figured out.

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  9. ok, I'm trying to figure out if i can reroute the drain line in my upstairs bathroom. I attached a drawing showing how I want to run the line and the layout of the fixtures....my question is where should I tie in the drain for the sink and tub in relation to where the toilet enters the line. Right now it's reversed in the room and everything kind of ties in directly under the toilet and drains straight down, so right now it runs right to left in the bathroom, but I would like to have it drain left to right......hopefully that made sense to anyone who can help.post-2073-0-42900900-1468153115_thumb.jp

    don't know why that came out sideways, if you flip it to the right hopefully you can get an idea of what I'm trying to do.


     I've not heard of hunters getting lead poison from eating wild game shot with lead bullets.  Maybe it has happened, but I haven't heard of those incidents.

    - The lead levels of sample populations which eat wild game is generally about the same as the US population as a whole, if not slightly lower.

    where did this come from? Did you read the posts?
    And while there is some evidence to suggest that raptors and certain birds are more affected by the lead in game carcass, are any of those populations shrinking or under threat because of lead bullets?
    some evidence? and are we only concerned about poisoning these birds if it causes a shrinking population?
    Again referring to the Condor discussion in CA, that state's wildlife officials acknowledged (after the lead ban went into effect) there were other sources of contamination that were affecting that bird.
    ​the lead ban still has not gone completely into affect(2019), where else did they get the lead? 
    Yes, there are other places, countries, that environmentally do horrific things, and this lead issue may seem trivial, but it is something you and I can do something about. I personally can't do anything about the raw sewage dumped into Rio's harbor, or Japan's slaughtering dolphins for pet food, or the Chinese dog meat festival, but I am trying to do my part here to stop the needless suffering of eagles and limit the possibilities of lead poisoning in children.


    I think the kids have a higher risk of getting lead poisoning from the ancient plumbing in some of the schools.......just saw something on that recently.

  11. hey, it's better then the slobs who throw their cans, bottles and cigarette butts along the roadside......that's pretty disgusting too. The ones who collect for whatever reason are doing us all a favor, not to mention all the $$ from those unreturned cans goes into the States pocket if nobody cashes them in.

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