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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. You can't make a Xbow post without it going to that so I figured I'd throw first punch.

    Seriously technology since I bought my old xcal 10 years ago to this thing is unbelievable. This thing is so fast and so quiet.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I'm with you on the split season.....and I wish I didn't run out and buy a starter xbow last year, wish I spent a little more,.

    • Like 1
  2. Well my new Stryker katana was delivered Thursday after a couple hundred shots I can say I'm in love with my it, fast, quite and I can decock it like my old Excalibur.

    I hope NY never makes it full inclusion as I am completely happy with a 2 week season, and it splits up the seasons nicely.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    oh boy, and you started off so nicely  :rolleyes:

    • Like 2
  3. quite honestly, I would say the crap we ingest on a daily basis from all the garbage that's put into the foods we buy and eat is 10x's worse then any small amount of lead we can ever introduce into our systems from the animals we kill with lead ammo......I'd rather eat a burger made from a deer I killed with a lead bullet over a Big Mac any day of the week, and probably be healthier for it. 

  4. shooting till exhaustion may develop bad shooting form and habits......you may want to back off and build up slowly, stop way before you get to that point, shooting 100 arrows won't do you any better then shooting 20.

    • Like 1
  5. Unless you have a license, it'll be a tandem jump.  Just make sure the person you're jumping with didn't catch his wife cheating and become suicidal.

    you're taking a lot of chances once you strap another man to your back.....suicidal may not be the worst of them.

    • Like 4
  6. don't birds have significantly different digestive systems then mammals? birds have gizzards that grind up their food, which would obviously give the lead a better and easier path into the body as opposed to a mammal....would it not? I would think if a human ate a few pieces of lead shot here and there, they would pass the majority of it before it does any harm.....unless you were eating it on a weekly or daily basis, I would think it has a minimal effect on people. I may very well be way off and totally wrong, but just a thought.

    • Like 1
  7. got checked by DEC back at the ramp, nice guy and pleasant encounter....he never even broke out the ruler, he did dig down to the bottom of the cooler under all the fish....I assume that's where the less than honest guys keep the shorts.

    • Like 1
  8. Whoa, JB, there is some FINE eating !!


    Need a fishing partner ?

    sure, let me know the next time you're down on Long Island...

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  9. I don't really see the need to, I hunt the same parcels every year, I know where to put stands, the deer are always in the same areas. I don't put out cameras either, I'm not targeting any specific deer, I'll shoot the first legal one that walks by.

    exactly what I do....aside from a quick check a weekend or two before the season, I don't do anything else.

  10. Lol. Maybe the filter I used makes it appear that way? It was carried out using napkins. Benjamin Steakhouse is one of the best in all the land. I got the ribeye. I won't be back for a while, it's just too pricey.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I went to a nice Steakhouse after my son's graduation last week....you ain't kidding they can be pricey, but worth every penny, usually if you check out the menu ahead of time and it lacks a price list you pretty much know what you're getting yourself into, so not much of a shock.

  11. I know a place that will accept your order and charge a small fee to do it....think it's like $10.00, not a bad deal, especially if you get a few friends together to place a big order and split the cost. I remember seeing a place in Texas I think, that was doing something where you would buy from them, but somehow they would set it up where you ship the ammo to yourself after you completed the transaction with them....or something shady along those lines. It's not illegal to ship ammo through the mail, UPS anyway, just such a gray area with the online purchases.

  12. I hate when a good joke goes to waste......

    put lead in one's pencil
    Enhance or restore sexual vigor, as in Try one of these hot peppers; that'llput lead in your pencilThis phrase, a euphemism for causing an erection, isconsidered far more vulgar than the contemporary synonym put hair onone's chestalluding to a secondary male sex characteristic. [c. 1900 ]


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