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Ya it would prob stop the stealing but not the A-hole that's trying to hurt you.
Been in the stand since 6:30 this morning. A little discouraged. Nothing but squirrels and a loner button buck. Was gonna sit til dark but I am froze to the bone. Going for a coffee and an hour break then back in til dark. I'm sure the big one is on his way and will be here 5 minutes after I leave. Oh well, beautiful day just cold cold cold. And noisy squirrels sound like herds of deer coming though lol.
I made my mother-in-law a hunting suit just like that and gave her a white hanky to put in her back pocket incase she got a runny nose.
At least when he gets it back he will know he's got his hide on the mount. Just check for the hole lol.
Wow, I'm not a real emotional kind of guy but your story brought tears to my eyes. Brought back some great memories of hunts with Grandad. Thanks for sharing, and most of all congratulations. And the writing of your story was very impressive. I could see that being in any hunting magazine. The details painted a great picture. Almost felt like I was there.
Thanks everyone. Well, we will see what happens. I put a new strap on the stand with a small lock though the buckle and fixed the support bar. Took my buddies climber in and mounted 2 ir cameras about 15 foot up pointing at my stand. And on the plus side I seen an awesome buck that I could have shot if I would have been smart enough to bring my gun with me. Hopefully he will be back so I can get a crack at him, and maybe get a few good pictures of the scumbag for the sheriff and DEC.
As long as you can still read EVERYTHING. It shouldn't be a problem.
I know there really isn't anything the police can do but I'm thinking of just calling to report it incase anything else happens. I did call all my hunting buddies and tell them not to use it. We have 3 more out there. Will be going out in the morning to make sure they wernt messed with.
Makes me I'll that someone can do that knowing full well what the out come could be. Was thinking the same thing. Deff boarders attempted murder if u ask me.
It is land that belongs to my wife's uncle. I know everyone who hunts there. I'm sure it's not one of them as we all hunt together. I could of been hurt really bad. I have a possible suspect but I need to talk to some people. If I get proof of who it was you can bet your back end I will have them in court.
Now I'm thinking locking it up wasn't such a good idea. I would rather they steal it then try to friggin kill me. So mad right now. Didn't see any deer. They could prob see the steam coming out of my ears for a mile.
Not sure where to post this. Thought I would share this messed up story. So I get to my ladder stand tonight. About 3/4 the way up I realize something isn't right. Look up and the stand is a foot away from the tree. The thing shifts and I end up on the back of it. Managed to get down without braking my neck. So I'm trying to figure out what happened and realize someone took the strap off and took the bolt out of the stabilizer bar. Also took my hangers. The only thing that kept it from falling was I had a cable lock on in. Some people are friggin sick in the head. Moral of the story. Check your stands before climbing. And yes this was on private land. Had one stolen from the same spot last year. Time for a hidden trail cam. Talk about ruining your day.
I've cut up 6 so far 4 doe 2 buck. Same thing fat does lean bucks.
Usually in my stand 1/2 hour before I can see the ground. Strap in set my alarm to vibrate in 30 minutes take a little nap and settle in.
Congrats. And nice job on the pictures.