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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Carpy744

  1. Completely soaked in 7A..... No deer... Cows are mooing like crazy Wish the rain would stop... My all day sit just got shorter
  2. Good luck Guys. Raining here in 7a If I don't see a deer today I'm selling my gear....lol
  3. The cows sound angry today for some reason. Anyone want to buy a bow? 2 deer in 3 seasons...Hunting sucks...lol
  4. Getting soaked in 7a... Overslept all weekend this is my punishment. Hope I can last 2 hours
  5. In a new spot. 7A. A strip of woods between two fields about 75-100 yards wide at best. Lots of hickory nuts around. Mostly I'm afraid this tree is going to fall on me. I started in a different spot, but soon got a visit from the landowners dogs as they were out walking. Was in a
  6. Just checked my trail cMera. 3 pictures of the same doe. Between sun-fri 10/23.. and it was after dark. I'm thinking I need A new stand
  7. Out in 7a.... Wind keeps changing.... Nothing so far, just a couple grey squirrels fighting to the death..... Bored.. Hard to stay awake
  8. Out in 7a.... Wind keeps changing.... Nothing so far, just a couple grey squirrels fighting to the death..... Bored.. Hard to stay awake
  9. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8305.html you can buy a muzzle loader tag to use during bow season, but it looks like it would only be for a doe
  10. Couldn't you just go buy a muzzle loader tag, and use that during the rest of archery? They are the same tag right?
  11. Coldish..noisy..snow...leaves dropping.... So far not even the squirrels are moving. Weird... Seems about perfect to me... I bought some muck boots last night. I love these things. Feet dry and warm. Not even wearing hunting socks.
  12. I sat until 11am. Didnt see anything today. Moved me spot about 40 yards, set up a trail camera,. Might go back in the morning, but I'm thinking hit the river for some fish eggs/
  13. Here comes the rain.... Time to leave I think not sure what to do
  14. Good luck everyone..... Been in my stand about 60min.... Sweated my ass Off getting here. Wind is good right now.... Maybe I'll get a doe today... Be my first time getting a deer since 05 I think. Am I the only one who has every alien movie he ever saw Pop into their head when walking into your stand in the dark? I hate it.....lol
  15. I got no eggs for the steelhead season! i forgot it was columbus day weekend. Maybe tomorrow ill go up and try to beg some eggs off of fisherman
  16. Starting to think I should have went salmon fishing.......
  17. Been here since 6:30. 7a quiet, lots of birds and geese flying overhead. I'm in some thick stuff parallel to a long gas line clearing trail.... No deer yet, but the cows are mooing Pretty sure there is a Bigfoot head staring at me from 50 yards away...
  18. Not 5 minutes after I made my first post, a spike came out about 60 yards, from the one direction they aren't suppose to come from. He got within 40 yards and winded me. Jumped back. Stood looking, tries to half circle Me. Finally turned and went off to the right. Never saw me, but he knew I was somewhere around. Dm wind keeps changing direction.
  19. First time out bow hunting since 2003 I believe. I won a bow tech carbon icon back in August on a 10$ raffle. Hoping that good luck follows me into the season. Haven't seen anything yet, but the geese that are flying over head are almost deafening at times. Hunting up in 7A....
  20. http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/huntingseasons15.pdf
  21. I have a 7F that i would like to trade for a 7A
  22. Booby trapping a weed plot sounds extremely stupid to me. A good way to get a murder or assault some kind of nasty felony by killing or almost killing someone who accidentally walked into your pot.
  23. I have an 8J that I would like to trade for a 7A
  24. The original spot we have to drive a mile into the woods to get there, it is up an old road, a few other camps are along it. We spread out from the cabin. I do not still hunt, I sound like an elephant walking through the woods at my quietest.. Things finally turned around. We've finally found the areas with the deer. Saw 3 yesterday, passed a small spike.. My friend bleated in a 6ish but it came in fast looking and busted him. My buddy left work early to hunt today, i had to stay all day.. Kicked deer up on the way in, within 20 min of sitting a spike came through with a bigger buck behind it. He shot the spike before he saw the bigger deer...Also, had the typical deer walk up on him while gutting his deer..
  25. I've been hunting 6K since opening day, state land. I had private access to the backside of the land through a friend from work. Literally drive a mile into the woods. The problem up there is we are not seeing an ounce of deer sign. None. Took 5 trips to find a couple of small buck rubs.. When the storm came a tree fell across the road. We can no longer get up the hill. Not seeing other hunters, no deer Started hunting on the bottom of the state land by the road. Found a bunch of deer sign, but now deaing with other hunters..Right about now I would be really happy just to see a couple of tails.. I am starting to remember why I stopped hunting 6-7 years back.. I'm not whining. just venting.. How do you guys keep at it when you havent seen anything all season?
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