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Everything posted by cmeontv32

  1. You don't see the point and quite honestly your resistance to provoking thoughtful conversation is not helping. Nobody is saying to create more laws, I'm not sure where you got that from. This thread was started to identify possible solutions. If you don't want to provide solutions that's fine, however, please don't strike down upon those who are interested in doing so.
  2. I understand the mentality of those people very well, and sadly these days they have the lions share of the lawmakers ears. Its far better to put a face and voice to something than to ignore it. From my experience working with key decision makers, they usually listen to a variety of parties concerns then make a decision. If no voice is there to project our concerns they would never see our point. But it sounds like your OK with not defending your beliefs while helping the hunting community preserve their heritage. Now I'm sure 99.9% of this community is against gun crimes; that's a given. However, as I attempted to state previously, the gun nuts paint all gun owners with a wide brush. If we can counteract that through positive publicity and not negative publicity (as seen every few weeks on the news) we can begin to change peoples (probably not the gun nut extremists) perception of gun owners. PS. never said ban a certain type of gun... I like to predator hunt with a really sweet 5.56 so that wouldn't do me any good.
  3. To my knowledge they already have these programs in place at least at the local level. It would be great to do this at a higher level like at the state or federal. The key would be to make the incentive (money) great enough for some criminal want to trade his gun for the cash. The ONLY reason I get upset about the gun control nuts going after guns is because they paint the entire gun owning community with a very broad brush. We now more than ever, as members of the hunting community, need to distinguish ourselves as extremely responsible and ethical individuals that enjoy the sport of hunting. My biggest fear of gun control is not being able to do one of the things I absolutely love; to hunt. Does an organization exist or should one be started that is for hunters against gun crimes? I believe an organization of this nature can help preserve our love of the sport of hunting and the implements we utilize, while providing a face, voice and venue where a common ground can be established between gun nuts and responsible gun owners; in this case us, the hunting community. -Cme
  4. What ya guys (and gals) think the chances hubby hunts was an eco? Just interested in your opinions.
  5. I don't want to jump to conclusions, however, something doesn't seem right here... OP joins forum and immediately posts this? Is this hubby hunts, or is this "the man" in hubby hunts clothing? Anyone else get that vibe?
  6. I'm also interested in getting a gps, probably two. My father and I hunt the same land but could, by the end of the day be a mile apart and dragging a kill out of the woods by ourselves. I don't rely on cell phones due to poor battery life. My biggest question is, does anyone make a gps that can "see" another gps. In other words if I was looking at my gps, would it be able to see my fathers gps and let me know where he is? Thanks in advance
  7. I saw them outside of Troy. They took two deer from a hunter. Don't know any particulars other than being followed by a Trooper working with them for a while shortly after.
  8. No AR but have a friend with a scoped out mini14 (.223). Does fine with 55 grain Remington.
  9. With any luck BIMBO (actual name of the company) bakeries will buy and continue to make Twinkies. Bimbo is huge in Central and South America and I think (not sure) is the largest bakery in the world.
  10. hey papabear, I'm in Great River. Let me know if you want company one day smokin ducks! I'm not a spot grabber so dont worry
  11. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Luke, an avid hunter, outdoorsman and Energy Engineer from Long Island NY. I primarily hunt waterfowl, however do get out a few times a season for turkey and whitetail. I'm glad to be part of the community and hope to contribute as well.
  12. Hi Guys & Gals, I have a DMP for the 4F area and am looking to trade for a 4C DMP. Please shoot me a PM if you are interested in the trade. Wishing all members a safe and bountiful big game season!
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